As y'all may have noticed, I've been really busy getting on the job search (just submitted my Teach for America application so Yay!) and helping out with family stuff. As much as I like to listen through all the albums Spinner puts up, every week I go through and pick a few and then I can't find the time to give full attention/review that they deserve. A majority of the time, I will have a free hour the next week and a whole crop of new albums will have replaced albums I wanted to review, so I have to change my plans. I will still try to do this, but I think better idea is that, addition to my own thoughts on albums, I'll list the albums that are released every week -- and there are a bunch, believe me -- and you guys can decided for yourselves which ones you're interested in, especially if the option I choose to review isn't your scene. Sound good? it weird that I have no clue if I spelt that correctly? Whatever....
Albums Released on October 18th, 2011
- One Pig by Matthew Herbert
- Staring at the X by Forest Fire -- Note: I downloaded a free sample song--"Future Shadows"-- off this album, and it's definitely worth a listen.
- The Drummer by Niki and the Dove
- Virginity EP by The Bleeding Knees Club
- Social Studies by Body Language*
- Salt for Salt by Brown Bird
- The Gift Horse by Brown Shoe
- Rapprocher by Class Actress*
- Sing in My Meadow by Cowboy Junkies
- Everybody Breaks by Garrett Pierce
- Gauntlet Hair by Gauntlet Hair
- Lily & the Parlour Tricks by Lily & the Parlour Tricks* -- Note: Rockabilly!!!
- Minefield EP by My Glorious
- Wild One by North Highlands
- Folly by Pree*
- He Thinks He's People by Rob Crow
- An Intolerant Disdain of Underlings by Sahy Uhns
- Room to Run by States
- The Place I Left Behind by The Deep Dark Woods
- Years of Living Dangerously by Turf War
The ones with asterisks are ones I'm interested in reviewing if I have time. Some of are really short (the EPs, for example) so those might also be plausible for me to do as well.
To have a free listen and decide whether to buy, you can check these all at
Spinner. They're usually up for a week although sometimes the site facilitators put up the new albums on Monday. Happy Listening!!