Yet again, I've returned from a long hiatus, renewed for the long haul. Another New Year brings another resolution to be more consistent with posting and this time, I intend to keep it, in spite of the promotion at work (Mo' Money, Mo', seriously, my workload stresses me out big time), the long distance relationship (7 years strong, my friends) that will probably end in a big move in a few months, and a family that gets crazier the longer I know them -- or perhaps because of all these things, I'll become so immersed in my music and writing about it. That's Plan A. Plan B is writing through the demotivation caused by the mundanity of my life has devolved into, which has been working pretty well for the past 4 months. Anywho, my arsenal of secret weapons:
- I got a legit record player for Christmas. It's got that Ye Olde Tyme look to it, too and it also has an aux adapter (for the ipod), CD player (for the few CDs I haven't digitized yet), a cassette player (borderline useless), and a radio (probably won't use that very often, either.) Super excited! I've already created a wishlist of all the albums I'm going to buy and I've already bought my first one. If you don't know which one it is, you don't know me at all. (I would also like to add that it is an absolute bitch to edit/add pictures to these posts - or even write them, quite frankly-on a tablet.'re welcome.)
- $25 dollar itunes card (and more money in general to purchase music, provided Congress stops being a bunch of dicks...oh...wait...)
- New websites and other music news sources to educate, innovate, and excitate your ears (I was going for something but I'm pretty sure I failed.) I've been Twitter-stalking some really great new bands for y'all to try on for size and 2013 has quite a few long-awaited albums that are slated for release, so I'll keep you up to date on those.
- Tentative plans for craziness up in Tempe, AZ that involve booze, buddies, and maybe some Flogging Molly for St. Paddy's Day. And hopefully a little less sleeping in cars with's super uncomfortable and I don't recommend it.
It's going to be a hella good year and I hope y'all will join me. Happy Listening!