Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Album Review: Locksley

by Locksley
Impression: I'm trying to decide whether the sound has a California beach vibe with Rockabilly influences or a Rockabilly vibe with California influences.  I'm thinking the latter, because the songs get blues-ier as the album progresses and a few even include the deft use of a rockin' harmonica in the background.  This album reminds me of a set list that might be used by a band playing at a prom in a flashback, like in "Back to the Future."  In fact, I could very clearly picture a pretty blonde dancing with her high school sweetheart encased in a terrible confection of taffeta and chiffon while listening to "Away from Here."  How could I describe that in a more succinct way?  The album was nostalgic without sounding dated.  And while the lyrics weren't particularly poignant, they were catchy as hell. The majority of the songs were also pretty bouncy and upbeat, making this an excellent album to dance around in your underwear to....not that I do that, of course.  I'm just saying.

If I had money, I would: Contemplate buying the whole album, because it's definitely music I would listen to on my own time.  However, if I only had a few bucks to ration out, I would spend them on "Darling, It's True," "Don't Make Me Wait," and "The Way That We Go."

How does the artist describe their sound:  Punk Doo-wop --I would agree with that summation.

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