Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Song de la Nuit: "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls

Last Thursday, I had sort of a minor freak out. The gag gift I had bought from Amazon for my friend's going away party arrived broken and, from the way I reacted, you would've thought the world was going to end. I panicked and rushed out the door, planning to go to every possible store I could reach to find a replacement. After two hours of searching, I hadn't found a suitable replacement. Heck, I couldn't even find an unsuitable replacement. And, thus, I was broken, too. Head hung low in shame, I ended up buying a tube of Gorilla glue - as another friend had originally suggested - and drove home. On the way, "Iris" came on and I breathed a sigh of relief and said (aloud) "Oh, Delilah, how do you always know just what I need to hear?" Yes, I listen to Delilah - Don't @ me. Anyways, long story short, I've been under a lot of stress, for multiple reasons, some of which are my own damn fault.

Back to "Iris" - this is just about my favorite song (aside from "Rhiannon," of course). Why? Well, first off, it's a beautiful song. And it's infuriatingly simple in its beauty. There are songs that I just wish there was more of and "Iris" is one of them. It could be 10 minutes long and I would want it to be longer.

Second, I'm a hopeless romantic....and I don't think there's a song more romantic than "Iris." True, the video would be super creepy if weird telescope tower guy was anyone other than Johnny Rzeznik. And yes, apparently that is how you spell his name - I just looked it up. Other than that, I understand that feeling. Wanting to keep how you're feeling hidden. I wish I could do that better - I'm always making a goddamn fool of myself. Smiling like an idiot all the time, making it so damn obvious. But I can't help it - I wear my heart on my sleeve. I like to think it makes me endearing.

Anyway, video below. Now that I think of it, I'm kind of surprised I've never used this as a "Song du Jour." You'd think I would start with my favorite song...it's only logical.

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