Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bonfire Night!

Today happens to be May 1st and, as I'll have you know, it happens to be my favorite of all the pagan festivals.  It celebrates the return of the Sun and the rejuvenation of life all over the planet. Bealtaine (pronounced byol-tinnuh -- it's Gaelic and, weirdly enough, I can actually sort of see where they get that pronunciation) is an ancient fertility ritual that falls every year on May 1st or when the sun is at 15 degrees Taurus.  That last part only matters if you have any fucking clue how to read astrological tables--which I don't.  Oh, and this only applies in the Northern Hemisphere--if you live in Australia, you'd be trick-or-treating.  Traditionally--or, at least, according to the Internet--this Sabbat is celebrated by dancing naked around a fire and then running off and having sex.  Unfortunately, the  latter option is an impossibility for me (what with The Boyfriend being 310 miles away and all) and dancing naked around a bonfire by yourself is just plain sad.  That doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good heathen dancing circle every once in a while -- just call me your friendly neighborhood heathen sun-worshipper!  Anyway, as a special treat, I've composed a short list of songs that make me want to dance like a wild woman, preferrably around a blazing fire, clothing optional mais bien sur.  In the meantime, I'll be a good girl and celebrate in rather tame fashion by planting an herb garden and some flowers and applying tons of sunblock because no one is happier than me that the good running weather is back!

5.  "Eyes Like Yours (Ojos Asi)" by Shakira -- I love Middle-Eastern influence in music and during the bridge of this song -- in both Spanish and English versions -- Shakira busts out in Arabic chants.  And Arabic chants are fuckin' great for Crazy-Girl-Dancing-Alone-In-Her-Room time.  I'm posting the English version but the Spanish version is easily searchable on Youtube.

4. "Shake It Out" by Florence + the Machine -- Aside from this being my cure for a crappy day, this song just wants to make you move and feel happy.  I challenge you to listen to this song and not find yourself flailing about wildly -- dare I say, in the throes of ecstasy --to the drumbeats and tambourine jingling.  And if you succeed, it is fairly possible that you don't have a soul.