Friday, August 12, 2011

Song Du Jour

Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
By The Smiths

Ah, The Smiths.  If you don't love them, you're a fool.  I thought, considering the political, economic, and emotional climates of recent months, that this song was fairly appropriate.  It also reflects a little bit of how I've been feeling -- a sort of doleful dwindling of hope that is severely impairing my naturally idealistic instincts.  Especially with the job prospects -- the career I was on a path for is currently on hold.  As a federal job, the outlook of it even being there in a few months is relatively slim -- there has been massive cuts (and more to follow for the Defense Department if the SuperCommittee doesn't get its shit together) and there is a hiring freeze.  So, I'm presenting this musical offering up to the Universe in exchange for a brighter future than the one projected by MSNBC and CNN.  

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