Monday, August 15, 2011

Song du Jour

I Can't Get Away
By Stardeath and White Dwarfs

I got this song from a Nylon playlist a few years back....the same Nylon playlist, in fact, that led me to Of Montreal.  When I hear this song, I image a garage band playing in a seedy pub in the bad part of town.....3000 years in the future!  You know that scene in Star Wars where Obi Wan and Luke go in to find Han Solo, and that band was playing that crazy song.  This sounds NOTHING like that....come to think of it, that bar didn't look too shady in my opinion, either.  Too much light.  I like to need nightvision goggles when I'm going to a place I shouldn't be.   Sets the mood better.  This song has a very raw feel (hence garage band) but it also incorporates synth elements, which gives it a rather unique sound.  Anyway, I'm pretty sure this song is about a prostitute....or a really flirtatious girl.  Take your pick.

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