Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Song I really think you should hear

by Awolnation

I've been listening to 98.7 LAs best alternative a lot more often, due to some mitigating circumstances that I will fill you in on later.  This song has been played quite bit so it must be fairly popular on the coast and the more times I hear it, the more I'm blown away by the sound.
The motley crew that is Awolnation
It's a fairly simple song lyrics-wise -- repetitive in a way that allows you to focus on the beauty of the music.  The intro is very zen-like....kind of New Age to the point where, at first, I was like "Are they playing Enya?" Nope....something just as awesome but in a different way...  It's another one of those songs that you have to allow to wash over you and not linger on the technical aspects, which are beautiful in their own right.  My favorite part of the instrumentals is the discordant piano playing, which disturbs the otherwise serene ambiance with just the right amount of darkness.  I'm looking forward to hearing more from this artist.  Please have a listen.  Video is, bien sur, after the jump.

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