Saturday, September 17, 2011

Song du Jour -- Today calls for the Beatles

by The Beatles

As you may know, happening right now in Manhattan is Occupy Wall Street, an Anonymous Ops event/protest.  I only watched a few minutes of the live feed on AnonOps but, considering how many people are out there today in support and the need for police forces to be out, I find it oddly suspicious that none of the major news networks are covering it.  Sure, they have a little bit in the ticker saying that a protest is going on but this thing is becoming global.  It is news, so they should be covering it, rather than devoting time to Scarlett Johannson's nude pictures and Brad Pitt's failed marriage--if for no other reason than it's far more interesting and relevant.  And if things become violent, it could become bad news--really bad news.  I may disagree with alot of the methods Anonymous has used to gain attention for their cause, but I'm still interested in how far this will go.  Ignoring it won't make it go away.  In fact, it might even make things worse, because it might seem that the media--who usually claim to be on the side of truth -- is trying to alienate protesters. 

Perhaps there is a reason for the dearth of coverage -- perhaps CNN, Fox, and MSNBC only do fluff pieces on the weekend....or maybe their bosses just don't want them getting deep into the fray.  The point is that my generation is hopping mad and the economy sucks and the government is essentially non-functioning at this point for many reasons.  I could go into all the historical data on why a revolution in America isn't so far-fetched right now but that would be a long rant and I want to get to the song du jour, which features the always appropriate Beatles.  They have a song for f*cking everything, don't they?  And it's reminiscent of the "Make Love, Not War" times that defined a decade.  For my part, I'll be at the Bisbee Blues Fest, supporting music and community togetherness.


  1. The Beatles can solve all the world's problems. Well at least when I listen to them I don't think about the world's problems.
