Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm going to buy myself something a Smiths album...

Hello Music Sluts,
I'm back from my hiatus. I've noticed I have a couple new followers, so welcome and I apologize for the lack of updates.  I've been reading a few comments I've been getting lately when I was like "Oh yeah....I do have a blog....One that I was fairly excited about once."  Well, with the new year, my enthusiasm has been renewed--my number 1 resolution for 2012 is to write at least an hour everyday, which includes this blog for which I also have some exciting post ideas. But life, thus far, in a nutshell.

I've been absent for two main reasons--one being that I've become a corporate call center drone in order to bring in a paycheck.  A fairly sizeable paycheck and all for the price of my soul.  This has one extremely beneficial outcome for all you music sluts out there-- for once, I can actually purchase some music on my wishlist (which, as you know, has literally 1000+ songs/albums on it and growing).  My goal is to buy 1-3 albums every month and considering a fair bit of artists I'm interested in aren't exactly mainstream, this is an achievable outlook. And since my life has taken a sh*tty turn since we last met, I'm feel like I'm entitled to buy myself something a Smiths album....or a Florence + the Machine album....or both, if I'm so inclined. 

The second reason is personal and it's one of the few really personal things I will share with my readers.  I know some of you aren't particularly interested in my actual existence but seeing how it does deeply effect my productiveness for posting, I might as well share and get it off my chest.  My mother is bipolar and is currently entering a major manic episode.  Suffice it to say, you might be hearing Song du Jours that are either really uplifting or really depressing.  Thank you for understand and don't forget--You've been warned.

That's it for the low-down-and-dirty on my slacker-liness.  I'll try to do at least 3 lengthy posts a week, in addition to a Song du Jour/Nuit Monday-Friday and Album Release Tuesday.  That's my rant....Happy Listening!

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