Monday, January 9, 2012

Song du Nuit

by Fiona Apple
Have a bite, My Pretty....
Today's song du nuit is courtesy of a confusing dream I had last night that starred a young man whom I miss dearly.  I love Fiona Apple--I don't think there is a singer-songwriter out there who captures my inner thoughts so accurately as much as she does.  Perhaps it's because I've had similar life experiences to the things she sings about.  Isn't that why we listen to music?  To find ourselves in the beauty of it all?  Je ne sais pas, mes amies.  You'll notice I'm in one of those dreamy, philosophical moods right now....probably because I've been thinking about events that happened so long ago and ruminating on the nature of Fate.  Anyway, her voice has a great husky, sexiness to it, which is so much bigger than her tiny self.  Definitely one of my favorite artists to sing at kaoroke.  Paperbag is one of my Fiona favorites, particulary because it has that misty, jazz singer vibe to it-- an aspect that is played upon in the video after the cut.  Enjoy!


  1. I just came across your blog, i like your music taste and some great reviews here!

    I'm a big Fiona Apple fan too!

    1. Awesome! Thanks for reading and I hope you find some good stuff....

      Fiona is working on a new album to be released sometime in 2012 so look out for it...I rarely have time nowadays but I'm definitely going to find time to do a review on it when it comes out.
