Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Song du Jour: New Find

by Dead Sara
Today's song of the day is new music courtesy of 98.7.  I must admit-- the first few notes I was a skeptic.  I was worried I was in for scream-o and thought America was over that nonsense.  Let me just reiterate my stance on scream-o:  I've been to a lot of punk shows and from my experience, whenever one these bands shows up, it's usually a case of sh*tty vocals covering up even sh*ttier lyrics in addition to amateur instrumental back-up.  Barely even music, in my opinion--noise.  But, this time, I was pleasantly surprised.  Now, I'm going to take a stab at describing my impressions of this song:  the actual music felt very 80s hair metal influenced--Guns & Roses, if I had to approximate a guess--with a little Heart mixed in, with Joan Jett at her most powerful singing lead.  Lyrics-wise, this song reminds me a little of EMAs "Milkman," which  if you remember was featured as the first Song du Jour on this blog.  Based on their Reverbnation bio, I think--at least for this song--I've hit it close to the mark.  The band is influenced by an eclectic mix of everything (much like yours truly) and doesn't want to corner itself into a specific genre.  And, as always, I'm always looking for great female-fronted bands and Dead Sara doesn't disappoint--the band is lead by the dynamic duo of Emily Armstrong and Siouxsie Medley.  Try not to have a seizure while watching the video (a serious amount of editing and projectors were involved.)

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