Saturday, February 4, 2012

Song du Nuit: I could make a dirty comment....

Mustache Man (Wasted)
by Cake

But I won't.  But if I did, it would allude to mustache rides.  What can I say?  I hang out with too many boys.  Today's song du nuit is from perennial favorite, Cake, with their trumpets and uber laidback grooves.  The kind of sh*t that could be playing in the midst of chaos--when havoc is breaking loose-- and during a kickback with your bros and some brewskies.  F*ck...did I just say brewskies?  Is that even how you spell that?  Anyway, the video, which is fantastic and disturbing at the same time, incorporates multiple elements that bend reality and make you think "WTF is happening here?"-- a time-traveling shag van, polyester 70s suits, a dance-off on a lighted floor, a large fellow in Jersey-girl drag, and a lot of men who really shouldn't have mustaches.  Oh, and the main girl wears a tiger jacket that is effin' unbelievable!  I'm digging the chorus:  I've wasted so much time.  It juxtaposes well next to the "Mustache Man" who seems to get sh*t done, no matter how outlandish it is.  And I'm pretty sure the shag van time travels, which means he's not wasting any time.  In fact, he's bending time over and making it his bitch.  Which, coincidentally, may be what this song is about--the Mustache Man is taking advantage of a girl and the chorus is what she's thinking while he's having his way.  I'm probably wrong--I never was good at interpreting song lyrics.

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