Friday, July 20, 2018

"The Climb" by No Doubt

I push myself very hard. Almost too hard, sometimes. Since I discovered I was ambitious, it feels like I'm always working towards something. Another certification. Another project. And when I come home, I'm exhausted but I have to suck it up because I have mom/wife duties and my family doesn't deserve for me to slack off just because I'm "tired." Then, I feel like I'm compelled to go running 3 or 4 miles every day. Well, I'm compelled because it's the only time I have to myself, so I can think and listen to my music. So yeah, it hurts, but I deal with it. Because I'd go crazy if I didn't.

Sometimes, I wonder.....why? Are other people this driven? It doesn't seem normal or healthy. Half the certifications I have, it's because I wanted them, not because they were required for my work. Yes, my work requires a ridiculous amount of IT certifications - but when they asked me to get them, I was like, "Great! They're already on my list!" But is it all leading anywhere? Sometimes, I think it is....with each promotion, I'm convinced I did something right. But then months will go by and I'm stuck wondering - Does anybody even fucking care? Do I even know anything? Of course, then something will happen - someone will thank me or I'll get a pat on the back - and I'll be spurred on to out-do myself. And thus, the cycle continues. Always going, never stopping.

"The Climb" is one of my favorite song's on No Doubt's "Tragic Kingdom" album. A great album, by the way, if you're not familiar. It's also the longest one on the album. Go figure. I like long songs - deal with it. Anyway, I like it because it sounds like a classic lounge song. It's so dramatic, Gwen sounds like a Big Band singer (of course, she always sounds like that), especially when she croons the bridge. According to the Song Meanings forum, it's about overcoming an obstacle that is hard to surmount. That seems pretty obvious. Of course, there's also those people who think it's about sex - and I can see that, too. And the "mountain" is trying to get to orgasm. Although, I don't think orgasms are as perilous as what she's singing about. You can look at it either way, I suppose, depending on what your mood is. Okay, this rant went downhill quick. Long story short - I like to listen to this song when I feel discouraged or when I think my efforts are pointless. Favorite lyric: If I keep it up, I'm gonna make it/I'm so very close, can't you see?

"The Climb" Video

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