As you may be aware, we are currently in Mercury Retrograde, which officially started yesterday but the pre-shadow period (if you believe in that) started February 19th. I, for one, have burned myself several times within the last week, as well as sent out numerous mass emails that had at least one glaring typo. If you know anything about me, you know that typos just don't "happen" to me, especially on mass emails. I proofread my own shit multiple times and for these particular emails, I also had my team proofread them for me - and they still missed obvious mistakes! You may have also noticed that the Universe is pulling receipts on quite a few people. This might have less to do with the Retrograde, and more to do with the bigger astro-event that happened yesterday. In case you haven't heard, Uranus moved into Taurus and we're about to head into some crazy times. If you thought the last few years were crazy, we ain't seen nothing yet. And I, for one, am so ready for it.
So, check it - Taurus is the sign most about stability and solidness. Stubborn-ness and the fear/inability to change are hallmarks of this sign. However, Uranus, the Great Awakener and bringer of change, is going to shake things up a bit. If you've been content with the status quo for the last few years, you're about to get real uncomfortable with it. Uranus is going to reveal the cracks in the foundation of a lot of things, and things that aren't built on a stable ground are going to crumble. Businesses, relationships, houses, institutions, ideas - whatever isn't strong is about change drastically. Uranus briefly entered Taurus beginning in May 2018 but went retrograde back into Aries at the end of August 2018. During that May-August timeframe, you probably got a taste of what Uranus in Taurus has in store for you. Perhaps you changed careers, met someone new, became interested in a new hobby, or launched a business - looking back at May 2018 may help you prepare for the changes that are ahead. Another thing that Taurus is going to bring about is a renewed preference for authenticity, honesty, and freedom. Being fake, lying, and staying in situations that make us feel trapped aren't going to work out so well for people from now until 2026 (from what I gather, that 8 years is when we're in the post-shadow of Uranus in Aries - Aries is about speed and power, so a lot of changes may happen really quick).
To better understand what Uranus in Taurus will bring for you, it's important to know what house Taurus falls in your chart and what house Uranus transits. For example, if Taurus rules the 7th House (House of Partnerships) in your chart, you may have a divorce (or a marriage) and faulty (or lucky) business dealings in your future. Possibly the same situation if you have Uranus transits your 7th House (which it does for me). In my chart, Taurus rules the 12th House (House of the Subconscious), which has to do with secrets, intuition, and the subconscious mind. It could be contributing to my renewed interest in the occult and arcane, which was kind of dormant for the past couple of years. It's always been there but I've been feeling more drawn to find like-minded folks in the past year. Moving on, the retrograde in Aries has been a time of preparation for the upcoming changes. The Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) have been planning and plotting out their chess pieces, as is their nature. The Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) have been just rolling with it, as they do with everything. But those poor, poor Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are in for a rude awakening. These signs do not like change and unfortunately, Uranus is going to cause the most chaos for these signs. And the Universe likes to fuck with anything that resists it. This Mercury Retrograde in Pisces gives us a brief reprieve to reflect, review, and regroup. Pisces rules over dreams and the imagination and, if Uranus in Taurus is going to be changing everything anyway, it's important to get really clear with the Universe about what you want. Because it might be coming. No Dream is to big, or Impossible. You want to write a book (like I do), start writing that book. You want to break into your dream career, start making those moves. When change rolls in, it's important to know that the Universe has your Highest Good in mind. It's a time to have Faith. So just breathe into the chaos, my friends. It's gonna be okay.
No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne
No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne
Beware the patient woman, 'cause this much I know
No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne
One of these days a comin', I'm gonna to take that boy's crown
There's a serpent in these still waters, lying deep down
To that King I will bow, at least for now
One of these days a comin', I'm gonna to take that boy's crown
'Cause I am, I am
A Little Wicked
I am, yes, I am
Hands red, hands red
Just like you said
I am, A Little Wicked
That astrology rant was longer than I thought it was going to be. Astrology is like a good conspiracy theory - the more you read/research it, the more sense it makes. You can't un-see the things you've seen, man! Okay, seriously, I'm done and I'm slowly climbing my way out of the crazy pool now. Today's song was the ending song for Episode 10 of "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (CAOS)." It starts when Sabrina is breaking up with Harvey because she's made a decision (that she made to save him) that shows her that she needs to put him at a distance for his own good. After she chooses to commit herself to The Church of Night, she fully embraces her witch life and it's not safe to take her human friends down that dark path. I couldn't sleep on Saturday night, so I finally finished the whole series. OMG it's sooooo good! The cinematography, the story, the music, the acting - sure, Netflix fucked up "Hemlock Grove," but they made up for it with "Sabrina."
One of the common complaints about CAOS was that it was heavy-handed with the feminist overtones. Um, yeah...that was for a reason, dumbasses....Do y'all not get satire? The great thing about CAOS is that the main character is a female and the main villain is....also female. And all the female characters in between are diverse and unique characters, with their own motivations and goals. We in the theatre world call that good writing. Honestly, the satire was a lot heavier in terms of the religious aspects. The Church of Night is essentially a caricature of the Catholic Church, complete with outdated (and sometimes barbaric) rituals and corrupt leadership. When you understand all the nuances, CAOS becomes a simple coming of age story. Girl with the proverbial heart of gold, torn between two conflicting ideals, must find a way to make both of them work for her. Sometimes, she fucks up spectacularly and people get hurt. However, the thing I love about Sabrina is that she always makes choices from her heart. Being born on October 31st, that makes her a Scorpio, which means her main motivator is her feelings - unfortunately, it's also a fixed sign which means she often keeps trying to do the same thing expecting different results. This comes to a head in the final episode when, yet again, she tries to help Harvey using magic, which he has repeatedly told her that he doesn't want to be involved with. Their last interaction of the episode was literally him telling her, "Thank you, but don't ever fucking try to help me with magic again."
I've decided this song is my 2019 energy. (Just a warning - I'm probably going to say that multiple times this month). Not only is the sound kind of eerie (I think that's because it's in a minor key), but it's also about a woman who knows what she wants and is willing to wait as long as necessary for it to happen. The bitch singing this for sure is going to be queen someday - and woe betide anyone who gets in her way. It's funny - I was talking to my team about vengeance last week. My coworker said she could definitely see me taking revenge out on someone and my response was, "I'm a idea of revenge is watching and waiting until the person destroys themselves." Yeah, Cancers are up there on the list of signs who are good at holding a grudge. And, as far as Initiators go, we're probably the most patient with these things. But that also makes us the most persistent, so persistent, that eventually, we always get what we want. (More on this later, when we talk about a recent Ariana Grande song). Coincidentally, my favorite lyric in the song is this - Beware the patient woman, 'cause this much I know, No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne.
"A Little Wicked" Video
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