Monday, April 1, 2019

April Theme: "Why are you running?"

Ah yes, the quintessential question of human existence, except for maybe it's sister question - "What are you running from?" Of course, I'm not talking about running from your problems or your angst or any of that nonsense. I'm talking about just regular, one-foot-in-front-of-the-other running. In my youth, I was asked this question a lot. A friend in college told me once that every time she saw me, I was always running. Running to do this. Running to do that. Running here. Running there. The simple truth of the matter is that I simply cannot stand still. I'm convinced that if I stop running, I'll die and there's plenty of scientific evidence to back me up. Unfortunately, I'm actually supposed to take a break from running for a couple weeks because I've been - literally - running myself ragged. So, as much as I'll miss my favorite form of moving meditation, I'll be focusing on more low impact exercise (like yoga) for now in order to give my poor body some time to recover.

As for the theme, I've chosen a selection of my favorite songs to run to and I'll be describing the sort of places my imagination goes when I only have a stretch of road and my music to keep me company. Most of these songs are featured on my "Working Out or Hardly Working?" playlist on Spotify, which brings me to my next point. Later in the month, I will be sharing my secrets to curating a killer playlist for fun and profit. I've been making mix tapes since I was 8, so hopefully I've learned a thing or two about how to keep the tunes flowing in the most effective manner. Just a fair warning - there is a lot of "epic" music ahead for this month, along with probably way too much Imagine Dragons. As a pre-apology, enjoy the following "Heart and Brain" comic:

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