I chose this song for today because - to me - it speaks of deep surrender. A few months ago, I think I described myself as been "in the wilderness." It's much farther than that. These last couple of months have been slow and have left a lot of time to reflect. I opened my eyes and realized my life has descended into chaos. And I've been here for a long time. For my astrological research, I took the opportunity to look back at a journal I kept in 2012. Funnily enough, I kept it to document the last year before the projected end of the world - 21 December 2012. All this shit we're experiencing now in 2020, I fully expected to see eight years ago. Plenty of journal entries expressed disappointment at such a lackluster apocalypse. It was painful to read those entries because they were written by a vapid, shallow, silly little girl. And I'm grateful to know that because sometimes, it doesn't feel like I've grown at all. But I have. I'm not that naive, delusional girl anymore but I'm disappointed to find the circumstances she was dealing with nearly a decade go have an unpleasantly familiar flavor. All I want is to get off this wheel so how do I break it?
In the past few weeks, I've spent a lot of time reading the numerous spiritual books I own and rediscovering who I am. Remembering the things I love and reminding myself of the things I want. And I've spent a lot of time praying, especially in the past week. It's difficult, because I haven't been very clear on what I want in the past. And some of the things I'm certain I want seem impossibly out of reach. The Husband has seen me cry more in the past 5 months than he has in the entire 15 years we've been together - and that's not an exaggeration. I hide sadness as a necessity, because it makes others more comfortable. It's as natural to me as breathing. This and other strong walls inside me are breaking and the only thing I can do is accept it with grace and compassion. To let my heart be soft and quiet, in the face of so much chaos. It has become necessary in order for me to take the next steps in my journey.
A thought occurred to me - has been occurring to me for a long time. I have to extinguish the flame of hope and allow faith to lead the way. Do the hard thing, the thing you've been avoiding for so long, because it's for the best. It might not be what I want but this is how it has to be right now. Let it be. This thought reminded me of an episode of "Avatar: The Last Airbender," which I rewatched recently, because I was getting a lot of signs to do so. There's this episode where Aang learns the Legend of the Two Lovers, the first Earthbenders. He and Katara are separated from the rest of the group in a dark cave and after reading the story of the Earthbenders on their tombs, Katara seems to understand the meaning of what they've been told the whole time for getting through the cave system - Love is brightest in the dark. Katara snuffs out their last torch and luminescent crystals appear, leading them to the exit of the labyrinth. Classic Hero's Journey stuff. The same path is mirrored in the Tarot. After the Tower, arguably the most troubled point in the Major Arcana, comes the Star, to lead the recipient through the rubble and darkness. Some consider The Tower to be a negative card but it serves to remind us chaos - in some cases - is often needed to discover what isn't working. What isn't stable. What doesn't rest well with our hearts. And it forces us to face our fears head on.
Now, I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
In the past few weeks, I've spent a lot of time reading the numerous spiritual books I own and rediscovering who I am. Remembering the things I love and reminding myself of the things I want. And I've spent a lot of time praying, especially in the past week. It's difficult, because I haven't been very clear on what I want in the past. And some of the things I'm certain I want seem impossibly out of reach. The Husband has seen me cry more in the past 5 months than he has in the entire 15 years we've been together - and that's not an exaggeration. I hide sadness as a necessity, because it makes others more comfortable. It's as natural to me as breathing. This and other strong walls inside me are breaking and the only thing I can do is accept it with grace and compassion. To let my heart be soft and quiet, in the face of so much chaos. It has become necessary in order for me to take the next steps in my journey.
A thought occurred to me - has been occurring to me for a long time. I have to extinguish the flame of hope and allow faith to lead the way. Do the hard thing, the thing you've been avoiding for so long, because it's for the best. It might not be what I want but this is how it has to be right now. Let it be. This thought reminded me of an episode of "Avatar: The Last Airbender," which I rewatched recently, because I was getting a lot of signs to do so. There's this episode where Aang learns the Legend of the Two Lovers, the first Earthbenders. He and Katara are separated from the rest of the group in a dark cave and after reading the story of the Earthbenders on their tombs, Katara seems to understand the meaning of what they've been told the whole time for getting through the cave system - Love is brightest in the dark. Katara snuffs out their last torch and luminescent crystals appear, leading them to the exit of the labyrinth. Classic Hero's Journey stuff. The same path is mirrored in the Tarot. After the Tower, arguably the most troubled point in the Major Arcana, comes the Star, to lead the recipient through the rubble and darkness. Some consider The Tower to be a negative card but it serves to remind us chaos - in some cases - is often needed to discover what isn't working. What isn't stable. What doesn't rest well with our hearts. And it forces us to face our fears head on.
You might have guessed but I'm the type of person who sees "signs." In fact, "Signs" is my favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie (feel free to judge me). I'm a big fan of the aliens - not the aliens in the movie, obviously (cuz they were fucking assholes) but THE aliens and the idea of aliens in general. Have been since I was a little girl. Kind of always felt like I was one. Which leads me to some of the signs I've been getting lately. First, I can't remember who tweeted it or what the quote was from, but there was a tweet on my timeline that said "The people who are called are not the same as the people who are curious." And I was like - *whoosh* - that message was definitely for me. That's the thing - when a message is for you, you'll know. It's an undeniable feeling. Back to the quote - it's never been hard for me to find people who are interested in some of these topics - who are curious about witchcraft and the occult or they like the goth "aesthetic" but have never delved further into the genre than wearing black clothes and skull jewelry. They enjoy watching horror and/or paranormal movies/TV shows but they don't think about them cerebrally, in the context of wider culture. They're not deep about it - and that's okay. That's who they are. But I've rarely found people who were truly called to magic - at least, not in real life. I've only encountered a few in my life, which is why I'm incredibly grateful for the growing Internet spiritual community.
Fast forward to my daily constitutionals last week, when I listened to a Cosmic Keys podcast featuring Gordon White. Dan and Scarlett were talking about how they bonded over listening to Rune Soup, which White had originally named "Find the Others." That phrase, again, struck me. Find the Others. And Dan said that is how he met Scarlett - she was his first attempt to find the others. And he found her and now they have this podcast, which connects even more people in the occult community. I feel that. I feel like I am being called to find the others. Furthermore, I think we're coming upon an era in which it's going to be especially important to know who the "others" are. And maybe you are, too. If you've stumbled upon this blog, consider this your sign.
Fast forward to my daily constitutionals last week, when I listened to a Cosmic Keys podcast featuring Gordon White. Dan and Scarlett were talking about how they bonded over listening to Rune Soup, which White had originally named "Find the Others." That phrase, again, struck me. Find the Others. And Dan said that is how he met Scarlett - she was his first attempt to find the others. And he found her and now they have this podcast, which connects even more people in the occult community. I feel that. I feel like I am being called to find the others. Furthermore, I think we're coming upon an era in which it's going to be especially important to know who the "others" are. And maybe you are, too. If you've stumbled upon this blog, consider this your sign.
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
I'm not going to speak on the astrology of current events. It undermines the historical significance of what's happening. This is bigger than a few harsh transits and aspects. However, I can feel we're heading into some real darkness. If you find a star, keep following it for as long as you can.
I've included the original Leonard Cohen version (because he was brilliant and everyone should be acquainted with his music) and the Rufus Wainwright version, which you may be familiar with because it was featured in "Shrek." I included it because I love his interpretation. I think hearing the lyrics in a tenor voice, in this case, imbues it with more passion and melancholy.
I've included the original Leonard Cohen version (because he was brilliant and everyone should be acquainted with his music) and the Rufus Wainwright version, which you may be familiar with because it was featured in "Shrek." I included it because I love his interpretation. I think hearing the lyrics in a tenor voice, in this case, imbues it with more passion and melancholy.
Leonard Cohen Version
Rufus Wainwright Version
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