Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Song du Nuit: Jan 31st, 2012

Somebody That I Used to Know
Gotye feat. Kimbra

G'day Mate!
Another chill song for today.  I heard this one on--you guessed it--98.7 on the way back from taking Dad to the airport.  It's got this cool, bouncy, slow beat that -- dare I say it -- makes me imagine someplace exotic, vaguely Caribbean.  That could just be the xylophone, though.  At least, I think it's a xylophone.  Update:  It was NOT a xylophone.  The sound you hear is a marimba, a xylophone type instrument with a lower tonal range whose ancestor was invented by the Mayans.  Special thanks to my friend, Adam, for pointing that out. The tone of the lyrics wavers somewhere between indifference toward that "somebody I used to know" and a passionate, almost suppressed rage, especially when Kimbra comes in, bringing in some soulful warmth that compliments Gotye's chillness.  Anyway, Gotye--pronounced like Gaultier....that probably didn't help much--is a Belgian-Australian singer-songwriter.  That's an interesting mix, isn't it?  In my head, I'm picturing a cross between Hercule Poirot and Crocodile Dundee, which--I must admit-- sounds pretty awesome.  Gotye has been around since 2002 but he used be the drummer in a garage band called Downstares...naturally, I'm finding all this out today and through the use of Wikipedia.  Thus is the curse of a small town urchin.  The video is intriguing--yes it involves nudity.  It's done artfully though, where Gotye is gradually being painted into a contemporary piece and for Kimbra's entrance, she pops out of the background like she's been there the whole time.  Groovy man.   Check it out after the jump. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Song du Nuit: 'Cause we all feel like giving up, sometimes...

Cough Syrup
by Young the Giant

::WARNING:: Depressing Rant Ahead

I'm having a hard time handling this nonsense, my friends.  I love this song....it's got that resigned, zen feeling that I'm trying to reach--a certain numbness that will get me through this sh*t.  Because this hope thing--it's not working out so good for me.  Looking forward to a better day that never comes, that feels like insanity.  It's wearing me out--and the thing that really gets me is that feeling angry also makes me feel so guilty.  I don't know if any of you understand--maybe you do--but it's so hard to feel angry at someone who was so abusive your whole life when you also know that they've got a mental illness.  You have to continually remind yourself that they wouldn't say such terrible things if they were in their right mind, they wouldn't do such destructive things if they were stable.  And I'm trying so hard to cling to a peaceful refuge in the Goddess because I know I should be striving to be kind, understanding, and forgiving but some days, I just can't do it.  And it's seriously taking a toll, so it feels like my only option is to shut down.  Everything.  Because life's too short to even care at all.

You know, there was a time I took cough syrup just to fall asleep at night.  This behavior lasted for like a week, until I decided it probably wasn't very healthy.  It was such a blissful, dreamless slumber that didn't end in night terrors, though.  I wish developing a substance abuse problem would make things easier, but that is not the case...Nice try, Young the Giant.  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Album Release Tuesday!--January 17th, 2012

It's that time of the week again!  And this week, there is a whole bunch.  I'm feeling kind of lazy, so I'm just going to list 'em and be done with it -- asterisks by ones I'm interested in hearing more from, as perusual.  Oh...I decided to share some album cover art, because some of them are pretty awesome.
  • Which side are you on? by Ani Difranco
  • Beautiful Things by Anthony Green
  • Headcage by Matthew Dear
  • We Don't Know Any Better by Black Taxi *

  • Little Spark by Jessie Baylin
  • CYRK by Cate le Bon*
  • Tell Me Something I Don't Know by Herman Dune
  • Pre-Madonna by Jamuel Saxon
  • Bones for Tinder by Justin Robinson and the Mary Annettes*

  • Voyageur by Kathleen Edwards
  • Sunday Morning by Liftoff
  • Breezy by Paul Brill
  • The Glass Masses by Rags & Ribbons*

  • The Art of Influence Remixed by Second Sky
  • Seeker Lover Keeper by Seeker Lover Keeper
  • Chasm by Strange Vacation*
  • No One Loves You Like I Do by The Life & Times
  • Life is Beautiful by The Beautiful View*

Song du Nuit

by Coldplay

::WARNING:: Long-winded, Personal Rant

I need a pick me up tonight.  Everything feels like it's going to sh*t.  One of the lights at the end of the tunnel went out today:  I wasn't accepted to do Teach for America.  Yes, I feel like a big giant failure, because I don't understand why I wasn't accepted.  I have tons of leadership experience, I'm a good planner, and I'm way too intelligent for my own good.  I keep thinking back to the interview and the fact that I admitted I had some reservations about joining the corps.  All legitimate worries -- not wanting to fail the little brains that would be placed in my care chief among them.  I suppose I shouldn't ruminate on it now....it does no good.  Mom is getting worse.  She's not taking her medicine and, legally, we can't do anything until she does something really awful, like she did last time.  It sucks because I literally can't enjoy my days off because, most days, I can expect to walk through a toned down version of hell.  First circle, just past the gates.  Not too bad but it wears me out and some days are worse than others, especially when she gets snippy.  The one bright spot is my writing hour....that's actually been going very well.  Aside from one night when I crashed out right after work, I've been sticking to my number 1 resolution like a hawk, with some promising results.  It makes me feel so much better to escape to some beautiful, exotic world that I've created in my mind.  Having control over something, even if it's all just make-believe, keeps me from having a nervous breakdown every day.  Don't get me wrong--I've had a couple breakdowns in the past few weeks....just ask Ana.  But I'm dealing.  Just keep meditating on inner peace--Om Namah Shivaya.   I think this song embodies exactly where I am most days.  This song is from Coldplay's new album, Mylo Xyloto and the video is just has bizarre and nonsensical as that album title.  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Song du Jour: January 12, 2012

Beverly Hills
by Weezer
OMG!  Sweater Vests!
I'm feeling an odd mix of nostalgic and ironic today....I must admit, a little good old-fashioned nerd rock is in order.  For the record, I effin' love weezer.  In my opinion, Weezer is one of the most iconic bands from my generation (meaning all you 90s kids) and if you don't have a little respect for their body of work -- well, you must not have a soul.  Or a sense of humor.  Great music and great lyrics and more often than not, it cheers me up to hear them on the radio.  Today's selection is Beverly Hills, because I've been feeling a little philosophical, wrestling with my demons and whatnot.  I've gotten this crazy idea in my head that I want to live a simpler life, with a Tiny House and tiny garden and a Pomeranian named Killa'.  But then I turn on the TV and one of them Kardashian b*tches is on the screen and I can't help thinking "Man, if I was a billionaire....I would show them how it's done."  Dual personalities dueling it out within my mind.  I should've been born a Gemini, but I digress.  By far one of the coolest songs to listen to while chillin' on the couch with your crew of anarchistic, wanna-be neo-punk friends--because we all know everyone has a token.  Favorite Line: Take my picture by the pool/'Cause I'm the next big thing.  True story, my friends.  Now excuse me....I have to pretend-shop for furniture for my Tiny House.  I'm thinking Ikea, baby.  Gimme, Gimme. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Song du Jour: New Find

by Dead Sara
Today's song of the day is new music courtesy of 98.7.  I must admit-- the first few notes I was a skeptic.  I was worried I was in for scream-o and thought America was over that nonsense.  Let me just reiterate my stance on scream-o:  I've been to a lot of punk shows and from my experience, whenever one these bands shows up, it's usually a case of sh*tty vocals covering up even sh*ttier lyrics in addition to amateur instrumental back-up.  Barely even music, in my opinion--noise.  But, this time, I was pleasantly surprised.  Now, I'm going to take a stab at describing my impressions of this song:  the actual music felt very 80s hair metal influenced--Guns & Roses, if I had to approximate a guess--with a little Heart mixed in, with Joan Jett at her most powerful singing lead.  Lyrics-wise, this song reminds me a little of EMAs "Milkman," which  if you remember was featured as the first Song du Jour on this blog.  Based on their Reverbnation bio, I think--at least for this song--I've hit it close to the mark.  The band is influenced by an eclectic mix of everything (much like yours truly) and doesn't want to corner itself into a specific genre.  And, as always, I'm always looking for great female-fronted bands and Dead Sara doesn't disappoint--the band is lead by the dynamic duo of Emily Armstrong and Siouxsie Medley.  Try not to have a seizure while watching the video (a serious amount of editing and projectors were involved.)

Album Release Tuesday!: January 10th, 2012

Today is a little bit light on releases--only 6 are being featured on Spinner.com, but maybe this is a good thing.  Perhaps on my next day off (Thursday), I'll spring one of my detailed reviews on you.  But for now, I'll just list the gems I've found and hope you take a moment to listen to them on your own.  I have taken a moment to preview a couple of songs on each album and, bien sur, the asterisk denotes that I'm interested in hearing more. 

  • Dark Matters by Expensive Looks -- Pop electronica that sounds like Tame Impala or Portishead. I was digging track #2, "Nothing More."
  • Normal by Run Dan Run* -- Low key garage rock with haunting guitar melodies.  Check out "False-Hearted Lover."
  • Grand & Noble by Grand & Noble* -- Indie rock, with bluesy roots.  Sounds like Spoon.  I'm liking "Paris (and Danielle)" and I'm really interested in doing a full listen when I get more time.
  • Passenger by Kayln Rock -- Singer-songwriter, reminds me a little of Regina Spektor and definitely reminds me of Rachel Platten. I like the heartsick sweetness of "Valentine" but perhaps because I'm feeling hopelessly romantic.
  • m4w by Uncles-- Tongue-in-cheek storytelling lyrics combined with a folksy guitar.  The singer's voice, although nothing special, has that evocative quality of simpler times that is a hallmark of folksier tunes.
  • The Fall by Public Jones* -- Technified, sci-fi ballads that rely heavily on keyboards and bouncy percussion.  Spinner says it sounds like Massive Attack or Muse, but I'm leaning more towards Backstreet Boys when they went through that one latex phase, but with more intelligent lyrics.  Singer's voice has dark, breathy quality that I'm enjoying.  Check out "Mustard." Strange name, interesting results.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Song du Nuit

by Fiona Apple
Have a bite, My Pretty....
Today's song du nuit is courtesy of a confusing dream I had last night that starred a young man whom I miss dearly.  I love Fiona Apple--I don't think there is a singer-songwriter out there who captures my inner thoughts so accurately as much as she does.  Perhaps it's because I've had similar life experiences to the things she sings about.  Isn't that why we listen to music?  To find ourselves in the beauty of it all?  Je ne sais pas, mes amies.  You'll notice I'm in one of those dreamy, philosophical moods right now....probably because I've been thinking about events that happened so long ago and ruminating on the nature of Fate.  Anyway, her voice has a great husky, sexiness to it, which is so much bigger than her tiny self.  Definitely one of my favorite artists to sing at kaoroke.  Paperbag is one of my Fiona favorites, particulary because it has that misty, jazz singer vibe to it-- an aspect that is played upon in the video after the cut.  Enjoy!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Song du Nuit: Welcome Back!

We Are Young
by Fun

Ho Hum....So Bored...

I actually heard this song over a month ago and I'm just now getting around to sharing it with you.  I love the chorus: Tonight/We are Young/So I'll set the world on fire/We can burn brighter.  Just an amazing example of modern indie pop that makes you feel good and has great lyrics that hearken back to the days when songwriting was a real art and not just something you did on Saturdays to make a paycheck. I do hear an 80s influence, perhaps a pinch reminiscent of Billy Joel and Keane, but then again, I just write about music so maybe it's just me.  The band also utilizes an wide array of instruments, which adds another level to complexity--it's not just a keyboard and a synth, which I feel has been an unavoidable trend for pop music in the 2000s.  A little more information on the band-it is a super band, meaning that it's members are also known for other works.  Fun is:  Nate Ruess, formerly of The Format; Andrew Dost, of Anathallo; and Jack Antonoff of Steel Train.  On tour, the usually call in some other well-known musician friends to beef up their sound, as well.  They most recently toured with Janelle Monae's The Campus Consciousness Tour.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  I have to admit, it's one of those songs that gives me that "Hell yeah, rock on" feeling. 

I'm going to buy myself something nice....like a Smiths album...

Hello Music Sluts,
I'm back from my hiatus. I've noticed I have a couple new followers, so welcome and I apologize for the lack of updates.  I've been reading a few comments I've been getting lately when I was like "Oh yeah....I do have a blog....One that I was fairly excited about once."  Well, with the new year, my enthusiasm has been renewed--my number 1 resolution for 2012 is to write at least an hour everyday, which includes this blog for which I also have some exciting post ideas. But first....my life, thus far, in a nutshell.

I've been absent for two main reasons--one being that I've become a corporate call center drone in order to bring in a paycheck.  A fairly sizeable paycheck and all for the price of my soul.  This has one extremely beneficial outcome for all you music sluts out there-- for once, I can actually purchase some music on my wishlist (which, as you know, has literally 1000+ songs/albums on it and growing).  My goal is to buy 1-3 albums every month and considering a fair bit of artists I'm interested in aren't exactly mainstream, this is an achievable outlook. And since my life has taken a sh*tty turn since we last met, I'm feel like I'm entitled to buy myself something nice....like a Smiths album....or a Florence + the Machine album....or both, if I'm so inclined. 

The second reason is personal and it's one of the few really personal things I will share with my readers.  I know some of you aren't particularly interested in my actual existence but seeing how it does deeply effect my productiveness for posting, I might as well share and get it off my chest.  My mother is bipolar and is currently entering a major manic episode.  Suffice it to say, you might be hearing Song du Jours that are either really uplifting or really depressing.  Thank you for understand and don't forget--You've been warned.

That's it for the low-down-and-dirty on my slacker-liness.  I'll try to do at least 3 lengthy posts a week, in addition to a Song du Jour/Nuit Monday-Friday and Album Release Tuesday.  That's my rant....Happy Listening!