Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If Real Life were a Music Video....Ed. 1

I was at the supermarket today, buying Cream of Mushroom soup because my mom has a weird hankering for the Cream of Mushroom Chicken on the back of the can, when nostalgia wafted in through the sound system.  That's right, my friends -- The Macarena was playing in Food City.  To make matters worse, I couldn't shake the insane notion that everyone in the store was going to drop everything and start dancing, which -- I have to admit -- would be f*cking awesome.  Just for reference, I have disturbingly good visualization skills, so in my head, I could literally see the cashiers shaking their hips.  Suddenly, everyone was wearing neon spandex outfits, disco balls dropped down from the ceiling, and the linoleum tiles lit up every time I moved!  It was amazing! -- and I had to try extremely hard to keep from laughing.
Are instructions really necessary?

Of course, that isn't actually what occurred....but, somewhere, deep inside, I believe it could've happened that way.  All I needed to do was start it -- to be the catalyst, so to speak.  In theory, if I had just started doing The Macarena right there in the soup aisle, everyone would join me and then, it wouldn't just be an ordinary run to Food City.  No -- it would be a party!  On the other hand, I could start dancing The Macarena and people would give me funny looks which would lead to me immediately ceasing all movement and scuttling away like Dr. Zoidberg.  Perhaps that's the more realistic scenario, but I prefer my outrageous version to boring old reality anyway. 

The Macarena can't really be that terrible, right?  I mean, the bitches from Beauxbatons (see Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire) adopted it into a sort of cheer, so it must have its merits.  I remember when that was the biggest thing in 1996 and--being the coolest muthafuckas going into 4th grade--my friends and I taught a bunch of 5-year-olds how to do the moves.  Looking back, that definitely belongs in the Questionable Life Choices pile but it was exciting at the time.  And -- be honest -- you know you're going to jump in line when The Macarena is played at a wedding or a party because it's kind of like the Latin Hokey's fun because dancing is fun, anyone can do the dance moves, and it's really hard to f*ck it up.  Sure, to the aliens, it might look like a bunch of semi-intelligent humanoids flinging their arms around all willy-nilly, but to everyone else, it just looks like a hella good time....And I. Want. In.

Song du Jour: Oh Land

Son of a Gun
by Oh Land
How Dare He!?!

This one is from the weekly haul before last.  Warning -- It's catchy....I can't promise that it will get stuck in your head but it's statistically probable that it might.  For those of you who aren't familiar with Oh Land, she is a Danish transplant to New York--and by Danish, I mean she's really Danish...her name starts with one of those weird scandinavian Os with a slash through them.  I have no idea what the letter is called -- I searched an entire wikipedia page on the symbol and the most I could come up with was "slashed o" so if someone could help me with that, I'd appreciate it.  Back to Oh Land -- She's been around since 2008 and generally deals in pop electronica, so if you here me refer to Goldfrapp and Little Boots a lot, that's why.  This song typifies the idiom "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."  Basically, she's telling titular "son of a gun" (or bitch, as my brain is already replacing the lyrics) that he can go f*ck himself because she's not going to pull him out of the mess he's made.  Damn skippy.  Let the bastard 

I finished Foundation by Isaac Asimov and have moved on to Foundation and Empire.  I started the Zombie Apocalypse Drill website -- well, my hand was forced.  The Boyfriend decided to tell everyone on the Facebook Event page that the website would be up "in a couple days" even though he hasn't told me what he wants on it.  I'm flying blind here but I'll still be the one who gets the heat if something isn't put up soon.  So, if he doesn't like the dramatic spin I'm putting on it because that's just how I roll, he can go suck a bag of dicks.  Word to the wise -- don't settle for a lazy-yet-overzealous boyfriend.  Oh...and did I mention that I had to wait for my sister to get out of class in the Serial Killer Snatching Grounds on post.  For damn near a whole hour.  Seriously, I could've been stolen and they probably wouldn't have found my body for years. Oh sure....blame it on my overactive imagination.  Video after the jump, of course. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Song du Jour: My First Earthquake

Cool in the Cool Way
by My First Earthquake

Requisite Indie Photo Op in front of a mural
This is quickly becoming my new favorite song.  Why, you may ask?  Two words:  Sarcastic lyrics.  It's funny and serious at the same time, just like me on a good day.  Also, the keyboard breakdown at the bridge is epic, especially paired with the synthesized vocals -- Am I a dork?/I've got a robot name/ Like I care/Call me it just the same.  Hi-larious.  Bass-line also kicks ass, and serves as a strong opening, even when it's paired with an abrasive buzz during the introduction (similar to the one that begins "Can't Get Away" by Stardeath and White Dwarfs).  I'm sorry--I'm very sensitive to harsh sounds, so give me a break.  I've downloaded a couple more of My First Earthquake's songs just to confirm my diagnosis but I think we have a winner!

Remember that Zombie Apocalypse website I was supposed to work on yesterday?  Yeah, that didn't happen -- I got distracted by coloring books and a short story I'm writing.  Which is also why I didn't bitch about the VMAs in a timely manner.  Don't worry -- I'll have a rant up later today.  Video after the jump.

Wedding Bells for Sofia Coppola and Thomas Mars

Sofia Coppola, director of films such as "The Virgin Suicides" and "Marie Antoinette," married Pheonix frontman and longtime beau, Thomas Mars in Italy on Saturday.  Quite possibly two of my favorite artists, this is another couple that I'd have to say it was about time.  They have two babies already and, just based on experiences my friends have had, married with children is better than being steady with children, if that made any sense.  From a legal point of view, that is--if you're not married, the father can end up having a really hard time just getting joint custody.  But without the financial, legal, and social benefits, marriage is completely pointless in my opinion -- just an excuse to have a big fancy party.  Although not quite as flashy as heiress, Petra Ecclestone's wedding, the Coppola shindig still managed to impress.  Sofia kept it classy and understated in a chiffon cocktail dress in a patterned lavender by Azzedine Alaia and Thomas worked a navy blue suit.  The wedding took place at Francis Ford Coppola's villa in Bernalda, Italy (where their family emigrated from) and, as expected, wine from the family vineyard was served alongside a fantastic wedding cake.  Good luck to them.

Italians do everything better...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Song du Jour: Rilo Kiley Day!

Science vs. Romance
by Rilo Kiley
Rilo Kiley is one of my top favorite bands so you can imagine how bummed I was when they split in 2009.  But, as a concession to their fans, they released a vinyl version of Takeoffs and Landings earlier this year.  Is that like a given for indie bands?  "Sorry, there is no way in hell we're going to get together again to produce new material but your consolation prize is a vinyl version of our old sh*t."  I call "cop-out!"  It's a great album, though, and I do want the vinyl version....because I'm an uber geek about my respective fandoms.  I have boxes full of Sailor Moon crap from when I was 9, which includes things like an alarm clock with the most annoying song-to-wake-up-to ever, a Sailor Moon RPG guide, and a few of those gauzy anime posters --I shit you not.  Back to the Rilo Kiley -- this song was stuck in my head this morning.  More confusing dreams involving people I should not think about anymore.  "Science vs. Romance" was Rilo Kiley's debut single, and it has fantastic lyrics laden with metaphors and whatnot and serves as a low-key indie rock ballad.  The first lines are great -- they describe rather accurately the disillusionment I feel on a daily basis.
Jenny:  WTF are we doing here again?
Blake:  I....have no idea...

My Life in a Nutshell for Today:  The Boyfriend was getting on my case about creating the Zombie Apocalypse Drill website (even though he hasn't e-mailed me any information about what he wants on there) so making a start on that is today's project.  Also -- I forgot how truly impotable unfiltered Arizona tap water was....I'm dying of thirst....Please, somebody save me.  Video after you click-clickety-click the jump.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekly Haul: August 28th Edition....Huzzah!

If you can't tell, "huzzah" is my favorite ye olde-timed interjection.  I did manage to get the weekly haul done on time this week so Yay for me.  It wasn't too bad....a lot of the songs were surprisingly short.  Like last week, there's lots 'o' goodies and this week also has a delightfully diverse range of genres.  I didn't plan that, considering I had just under a zillion songs to choose from this week -- it just sort of happened when I picked a random sampling from my cache.  Anyway, there's a little bit 'o' country, a little bit 'o' rock 'n' roll, some rap, some dark cabaret/darkwave, and a reasonable amount of indie and electronica.  So, without much further ado, let's jump in it.
My First Earthquake...
And a Star-Spangled Rotary Phone

Hipster Pocahontas...Because the Internet Understands Bullsh*t

Some Girl I Ran Into at Starbucks
In case you were wondering, the Flood-In-My-Kitchen fiasco is under control now.  We're covered by insurance (Huzzah!), so the fact that they have to basically re-drywall our living room and re-carpet isn't a big deal.  In fact, my mom has embraced it and is considering tiling the bitch and adding an accent color for the wall they're going to re-do.  My sister out east survived Hurricane Irene -- Philadelphia may not have been directly impacted but they did get a sh*tload of rain -- enough to warrant shutting down Septa.  I imagine riding the underground trolley system can't be much fun, especially in Center City.  Weekly Haul will be up tonight, even if it kills me.  Dealing with our little situation turned me into a total blog slacker on Friday.  Whatevs.  It happens.

I was on the 3G Interwebs with my awesome smartphone the other day and I stumbled upon a bunch of hipster memes. The above picture made me bust out laughing because I've had people say that to me a lot.  By far the funniest thing about the hipsters is how pissed you get when you have heard of something (music, books, movies) they're talking about (which I do....I'm smart and have a wide variety of obscure interests myself.)  Bonus points if you can point out if something sucks and give them a detailed explanatory rant--regardless of your own personal feelings on the topic, of course.  It's okay to like sh*t that isn't up to rigorous standards -- they're called Guilty Pleasures or haven't you heard of them? Other favorite hipster meme images included a Gaston who critisizes Belle for reading something with an Oprah Bookclub sticker (it's not the sticker that annoys me so much as how much the book costs after it gets stamped with it) and a Princess Tiana who is saving up for Doc Martens.  I used to wear Docs all the time in high school and I didn't realize that, rather than a punk thing, they're now a hipster staple.  Again, whatevs.  They're still good, sturdy shoes that can take a beating.

Oh. My. God.....what if I am a hipster?!  Shit...I don't think my bank account will survive.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Song du Jour: Theory of a Deadman

Hate My Life
by Theory of a Deadman
You know....I didn't realize how long it had been since I had a true "Fuck My Life" moment until I woke up this morning.  And by woke up, I mean my mom barged into my room--some time before the sun came up....I couldn't tell you an exact time because I was all like (-_o) -- babbling about a flooded kitchen.  I didn't want to get up and see what she was talking about.  In fact, I seriously debated whether to get out of bed but my conscience won out and, sure enough, I walked into the kitchen and the floor was under a half inch of water.  The filter on our refrigerator broke -- apparently, there is something that keeps the water from leaking out? -- and, to my dismay, my efforts to squeegee as much water as I could with our mop were hindered by the constant trickle that came out of the bottom of the fridge.  We have professionals (cleaning crew and insurance claims adjustor) handling it now and they are doing everything short of tearing our house down because the leak caused a fair amount of damage in the short time before we discovered it, so I'll still be pretty miffed all day. 
Lesson Learned Today:  When you don't know where to begin, the most important thing is to just get started.
I couldn't think of a song off the top of my head that adequately embodies my frustration so I settled on "Hate my Life."  I'm trying to count my blessings, but I'm annoyed, tired, and I had to resort to McDonald's (I f*cking hate that place) for breakfast, so don't test me.  I'm already running on a paltry amount of sleep thanks to my insomnia problem without sh*t like this happening.  Fuck this game....Video after the jump.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Song du Jour: Dirty Vegas

by Dirty Vegas
This one is from this week's haul.  Every time I hear it, I like it more and more.  Sure, the lyrics are repetitive but Dirty Vegas is a House band and it's meant to be danced to, anyway.  I think this an excellent Getting Ready for a Good Time and I can already picture it playing during a makeover montage in a Bro-mance.  The video sort of gives that impression, except that the main character is more pathetic than the film version.  According to wikipedia, this song came out in 2009, which is odd because I was under the impression that it was relatively recent.'s still a fun song, even if it's got a few years on it.

In other news, I really need to stop watching the History and Science channels.  They exacerbate my already grim outlook for the future.  I'm not a 2012 believer, but I'm not clueless enough to think that nothing is happening right now.  There's been a noticeable increase in environmental disasters, the stock market is doing backflips, and our government is literally getting nothing but sh*t done.  Not to mention the influx of disaster films being made and advertised.  I believe that Hollywood reflects the pulse and psyche of America and it's pretty clear that, in general, we're pessimistic about the state of the union.  That, and the films coming out -- like "Contagion" -- actually look frighteningly good.  That doesn't necessarily mean they are; it just means that those trailer editors are definitely earning their paychecks.  Perhaps it's because I watch too much TV and the photons are warping my brain, but a lot of these End of the World specials -- like "Earth 2100," the Curiosity episode about an Alien Invasion, and "Prophets of Doom," which is what I allowed to scare the bejeezus out of me this morning -- the logic presented makes alot of sense to me.   But, to tell the truth, a tiny, deep, dark part of me is kind of looking forward to an apocalypse scenario.  That is how boring my daily life is right now.  Anyway, the "Changes" video is after the jump. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CMJ Line-Up Announced

The line-up for the CMJ festival -- set for October 18-22, 2011 in New York City -- has been announced.  It has some good ones from what I can see -- EMA, Dum Dum Girls, Datarock, and CSS to name a few.  I live nowhere near NYC, so it's pretty safe to say I won't be there.  But, for those of you who have the option, you can see the whole list here, as well as watch a Dum Dum Girls music video. 

I think I'm done for tonight.  I'm hella tired from waking up early to play chauffer for everybody and their weird uncle.  Oh, hello, semi-comfortable queen-sized bed....fancy meeting you here....

Will the real Justin Beiber please stand up?

This is NOT the droid
your looking for...
Yesterday, I dropped my little sister off at her Restaurant Finance class and was driving home when I heard a rather....erm....amusing advertisement.  There is a Justin Bieber impersonator and he is coming to my hometown for a spectacular one night engagement!  I shit you not!  But really, the funniest thing about the radio commercial is the way they were advertising it -- telling people that they could almost meet Justin Bieber; they could almost hear him live in concert.  Very tongue-in-cheek...I almost didn't think it was a real event.  I'm very curious to see how many people actually go to see this kid -- J.B. is what he calls himself -- but my main reaction is....Really America? Really?!

I'm going to be honest -- I am one of the few in my city who hasn't succumbed to Bieber Fever and I realize now that not everyone is immune.  Even one of my dad's friends is a Bieber-ite and he's a 50-ish-year-old former fighter pilot!  And he has a jazz musician for a son!  What the hell?!  The only performance I've seen was the one at the Grammy's and I was not particularly impressed (did any one else hear him hit those sour notes? No?  Just me then...).  Musically, I agree, he might be very talented -- I've seen the videos of him drumming at age 5 or whatever, so I won't even argue the point -- but he is a total factory boy and I'm not buying the story that he was lucky enough to just happen to run into Usher at a supermarket and Usher felt like listening to his music.  It's a lovely fairytale, but this is America, so excuse me if I'm skeptical.  And the sh*t that he's released on the radio -- well, I believe he can give his fans better, even if he is a corporate confection.  The question is, though -- Do his fans (the tween age group, who hold, ironically, the most commercial buying power) want better?  Meh...I think they're happy with what they've got.  And that's why I'm not very hopeful for the future of pop music. 

Back to our boy, J.B.  He is a real person and he is making a decent living pretending to be Justin Bieber.  From what I understand, the demand for Bieber performances is so great (and expensive) that when J.B. shows up in town, parents tell their kids they're going to see the real deal because they won't be close enough to see what he really is....AN IMPOSTER!!!!  Fantastic scam, really.  Wish I had thought of it.  I've watched a couple youtube videos and the kid is amazingly life-like in his make believe.  And, honestly, how hard is it to get that haircut?  Half the teen stars on Canadian television had it before it was popularized by the 16-year-old "heartthrob." ::cough:: Really, America?::cough::

You know what I consider this?  Terrorism.  Pure, unadulterated Canadian terrorism.  And The Biebs must be stopped.  Who's with me?!!!

Song du Jour: Foster The People

Pumped Up Kicks
by Foster the People
Here's the band...loitering...
I've been hearing this song on our modern radio station a lot, which surprised me because they often don't play music this cool or interesting and they rarely, if ever, play indie music.  If they do, they play it only when someone requests it.  As you know, I live in a small town and the radio station usually only gets the mainstream stuff right away and if they play something that veers off the beaten path, it's at the DJs discretion because -- I'll say it -- the station managers don't give them alot of leeway when it comes to playing something other than what's popular.  Anyway, this song has a sort of zen, laid-back vibe-- of course, when you listen to the lyrics, you realize that the song is about a kid who is either about to shoot up the whole neighborhood or is seriously thinking about it.  Hardcore shit, man -- how the hell can Foster the People sing about that and then have whistling in the background?!  I know, I know-- sardonic social commentary, blah blah blah.  And really, who am I to talk -- I wrote a few chapters in the book of Cynicism myself.  Video after the jump and a short b*tchfest about my morning.

Here has been my day so far, dear friends.  I've been up for like 3 1/2 hours already after only 5 hours of sleep...I had to drive my dad to the airport because he had a last minute business trip.  I must be some sort of expert on driving to the Tucson airport --this entire summer, I've driven him to and from the airport on average of about once a week and that's a conservative estimate.  You know what dismays me the most about these weekly excursions?  I can be speeding the entire way -- going 10 miles over the limit, at times -- and it still takes me over an hour one way.  Relax -- it's Arizona....the only people who give a sh*t about the speed limit are the out-of-town drivers. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekly Haul: August 22nd Edition

Okay, I know I said I wouldn't do it ever again but....I did it again.  I went on a massive free downloading spree and ended up with pretty damn near 60 songs and no plan on how to make time to review them all.  I know....I'm a bad, bad girl.  I decided to break them up into more manageable groupings.  Needless to say, I'm set on weekly haul material for a couple weeks and, if this week's bunch is any indicator, most of them are going to be incredible.  This week was a great haul and most of them I believe I got off Spinner's "MP3 of the Day" so you should be able to find them easily over there if you would like to download them yourself.  They backlog them, too, so you'll find a lot more than what I mention here.  Happy Listening, my Music Slut brethren!
This is Young Buffalo....Um...
Just hanging out on an ugly couch, I guess...

A Rocky Horror Homophobe Incident

I'm just going to lay this out nice and simple:  homophobia is downright repugnant to my sensibilities.  I don't find it attractive, I don't find it justified, and I certainly don't think it's acceptable.  And yes, it is a deal breaker for me.  I'm still with The Boyfriend 6 years later because, after one of his oldest friends came out to him, he had to analyze his beliefs and he found that he didn't actually believe them anymore so he changed his behavior.  I find that commendable and I wish more people would take the time to do as much.  Now, time for the rant.  My sister's boyfriend, I've noticed, is homophobic.  Alot more homophobic than I originally had guessed, just based on our conversations, but I let it slide because he's not my boyfriend and my sister can make her own life choices. 

The other day, however, The Rocky Horror Picture Show was on television and I was like "Hey, I haven't seen this in a while...." and nothing else was on TV so I was like what the hell.  My sister and her boyfriend were schmoozing on the couch -- which annoys me but my sister refuses to heed my requests to be more discrete so what can I do? -- so I figured they wouldn't care what I watched.  I changed the channel and, since it had already started, the movie was at Tim Curry's entrance as Frankenfurter.  An awesome musical number, by the way, and one of my favorite parts.  But, the minute he noticed what was on the screen, my sister's boyfriend was wailing "What is this?  Why are we watching this?" -- clearly, he was upset by the crossdressing Tim Curry, despite his dead sexy crooning about Transexual Transylvania.  I'll be honest -- I wanted to slap him but instead, I obliged him and changed the channel because I was brought up in what can ostensibly be considered The South and you have to keep your guests comfortable -- even if the "guests" are practically living at your house and aren't very courteous. 

Song du Jour

The Roller
by Beady Eye

I have no idea why, but I always feel like I'm supercool when I'm listening to this song.  Doesn't make any sense but there it is.  Beady Eye, for your information, is basically what Oasis turned into after Noel Gallegher left in 2009.  If you didn't hear, Liam and Noel are still duking it out in civil court, so don't expect a reunion any time soon.  "The Roller" was released earlier in the year as the band's first commercial single, which is about when I snapped it up for free at Fuse.  Now, in my head, when I hear the song, I picture this cool guy from the 60s -- suede fringe and all -- showing up in a small town and basically inciting an orgy at a school dance or something.  Don't question why my mind goes there, just accept that it does.  Regardless, it does have a great vintage feel to it, vaguely reminiscent of The Beatles, and, you'll see in the publicity stills, the band is rocking a Mod look.  Groovy, Man.

Friday, August 19, 2011

5 Great Zombie-Related Songs

Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse?  Apparently, according to the CDC, Americans are horribly under-prepared for such a contingency.  To ameliorate this issue, The Boyfriend and his friends (with technical support -- which means the actual event planning and website creation --provided by myself) have planned a Zombie Apocalypse Drill for sometime next spring.  Why next spring instead of right now?  Elementary, Dear Watson!  We're all broke and to be prepared for basically TEOTWAWKI  (acronym for "The End of the World as We Know It" in SurvivorMan speak), we need to acquire the essentials needed for fleeing civilized society.  I've interpreted this as First Aid Kits, camping gear, and honing the necessary survival skills and fitness levels; my male counterparts have focused on the weaponry aspect:  Swords, crossbows, guns, and -- my personal choice -- ninja throwing stars. 

They took away her iPod...Poor thing...

The Zombie Apocalypse is just about everyone's favorite Worst Case Scenario -- mostly because the possibility of it actually happening is slim to zilch.  Everybody has their own plan -- you've heard of the Wal-Mart forts, the fortified shopping malls, the extra homes in Freeze-Your-Ass-Off, Saskatchewan, and the High-Tech McMansions with their Titanium Gates of Flaming Awesomeness.  Personally, I would take the Keep On Moving approach but that's because I don't have children and the people I love are in more-or-less good physical condition.  My question is, though --Does everyone have their own playlist?  I didn't think so....but fret not-- I am here to help.  I'll keep updating on the Zombie Drill situation until it actually happens and will be periodically adding to this playlist but I thought it would be best to start on a solid foundation of zombie-themed songs.  Just 5 for today and, hopefully, they won't be the ones you expected.  Remember:  Even during the Zombie Takeover, the element of surprise is your greatest asset.  Unless the zombies can run.  Then we're all royally f*cked.

Song Du Jour

I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend....
by Black Kids
Are those bunny ears or are you just happy to see me?
The weather is uber gloomy outside because it's monsoon season in Arizona, so let's have something (relatively) happy.  This song has a great melody to dance to and, coincidentally, it's about a guy saying he's not going to teach his crush's boyfriend how to dance with her.  I wouldn't either -- theoretically, if the only reason the girl is hanging out with you is to dance then teaching her boyfriend how to dance would basically wipe out all of your options.  Of course, I really shouldn't condone trying to steal someone else's chick but this song is catchy enough that I'll let it slide....but just this one time.  Black Kids formed in 2006 but released their studio debut, Partie Traumatic, in 2008.  This song was the first official single.  They jump a couple of genres -- namely indie pop and alternative dance--and this particular song has been making the cinematic rounds.  It was used in the trailer for "Fame" and is on the soundtrack of "Jennifer's Body," which I haven't seen yet and, despite awful reviews, I still want to see because I can't help myself when it comes to horror films. If you like them (Oh, I do, I do, I do-oo), take heart in knowing that they are working on a second studio album and have been doing mini-tours in Florida. Which in nowhere near here.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lady Gaga Will open VMAs

She's been hinting at a big announcement on twitter for a while but today, she finally let the cat out of the bag:  Lady Gaga will, in fact, be opening the 2011 VMAs.  The announcement was made while debuting her new video for "You and I" on MTV -- the message she hoped to convey in the video is that it "is a metaphor for wanting to make something work with someone you love but sometimes there is a boundary that you just can’t overcome.....that shouldn’t stop you from imagining something more."  That's basically what I got out of it.  ::sigh of relief:: Lady Gaga first performed at the VMAs only two short years ago, and this year, in addition to the honor of being the opening act, she is also nominated for four awards, including Best Female Video.  The artist is very excited, saying that she has been "planning it for a week."  Lady Gaga, who never fails to stun with her outrageous fashion statements and eye-popping performances, is sure to top herself this year.   The VMAs will be on aired on MTV on August 28th.
Screen Capture from "Judas"

Review: Mister Heavenly

Out of Love
by Mister Heavenly

Impression:   It seems like supergroups are a trending musician side project -- example: Tinted Windows which has Taylor Hanson, James Iha from the Smashing Pumpkins, Adam Schlesinger  from Fountains of Wayne, and Bun E. Carlos from Cheap Trick....I know....weird group but, trust me, it's working.  Mister Heavenly is comprised of Honus Honus of Man Man, Nicholas Thorburn of The Unicorns, and Joe Plummer of Modest Mouse, with Michael Cera of "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" fame as their touring bassist.  Sounds super awesome to me!  Out of Love is their first album and it kicks off with "Bronx Sniper" which starts off all sweet and indie and then immediately busts out into a raw, powerful anthem.  The whole album has that indie sound you'd expect mixed experimentally with influences from Doo Wop, Reggae, and sometimes, a dash of Grunge.  This makes for some interesting tracks that aren't always what you expect.  Great lyrics throughout, so I'll just highlight a few of my favorites -- Is it too late say that I want you/More than a man should ever admit to/Is it passe to say that I need you/More than a man should ever commit to -- the first line from "Reggae Pie" which, as you might have guessed, has a cool laid back vibe in addition to telling words.  "Harm You," in my opinion, channels Chris Isaac a tad at the beginning but -- come on -- who doesn't love Chris Isaac, my friends?  All in all, great freshman album -- it definitely has variety and that is always a plus in my book.

Check Out: "Bronx Sniper," "Reggae Pie," and "Wise Man" to get a sampling of all the different flavors they are trying out but the whole album is worth a listen and, for what it's worth, made it onto my Buy list. 

Sounds Like:  Supercool Indie Rock not constrained by the boundaries of genre

Buy it Here:  Amazon and iTunes

Song du Jour

This is a Trick
by Chino Moreno
Remember that awesome free EP I downloaded a couple weeks ago....well, I felt it was time to share some of it's goodness with you.  That and I had really weird cryptic dreams involving The Muse and this proved to be an accurate accompaniment because....indeed....those dreams must've been a trick.  It's darkwave/ambient electronica and you know how I feel about that.  This is my favorite track on Crosses and, if I could describe the aura, it would be haunting with a little bit of repressed anger/angst.  Perfect for a horror movie soundtrack, especially one of those artsy ones that make me feel like an uncultured idiot.  I'd also like to note that I love Youtube and it's myriad of contributers -- this EP has only been out a couple weeks and someone has already made a video for it.  A simple video, but a video nonetheless.  Just FYI, I'm trying something different -- as you may have noticed, I rely heavily on videos for this blog, which, although helpful, affects the scrolling speed on my laptop (which is kind of old and slow).  So, to combat this problem, I'm going to put videos after the jump so you all won't have to deal with the slowness--even if you're not encountering it yet.  I hope that helps somewhat.  :D

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lady Gaga's New Down Home Artistic Vision

Jo Calderone, Gaga's male alter ego
Well, she's done it again.  And this time, she's in full-on male drag and a rather elaborate mermaid costume.  True story.  Not very surprising.  We all know she has a truly unique artistic point of view, especially when it comes to her wardrobe and music videos.  What I find interesting is the song....I haven't heard "You and I" before (I'd be a better lil' monster if I could spare the dough) and I really like the slight country twang of the track.  And the thoughtful lyrics remind me of my own life and my small town roots.  I know most people only know her for the electronic dance music that brought her into the spotlight, but she has an immense talent which is can is showcased spectacularly when she breaks the mold the industry has built for her.  Sure, the video features outrageous fashion, a sexy guy (not Gaga's male alter ego...although, I'm not gonna lie, she makes a pretty decent-looking guy), and plenty of glitter, but when she breaks it down on the piano in a Nebraska cornfield, you can understand why she's so popular.  Great video.  Check it out after the jump.

Song Du Jour -- Double Dose

The Suburbs (Arcade Fire Cover)
by Mr. Little Jeans

Here's a great cover of Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs" which, as you know, was on the album that won the Canadian-based band Album of the Year at the Grammy's.  I like it because, aside from the singer's voice, it captures that wistful vibe of the lyrics that is so fantastic about the original and presents it in a way that is both similar and unique.  Highly synthesized, so you lose the fantastic instrumental parts, but Mr. Little Jeans hopes to make up for it with her beautiful-disarming-and-soothing voice.  Just FYI -- Mr. Little Jeans is well-known enough to have a page but not enough to have a wikipedia.  You'd think that would be the second thing an artist would do after establishing their presence on the Internet....Facebook, Twitter, then Wikipedia....okay, third thing.  Anyway, I love this song.  It makes me think of simpler times.  Running through the sprinklers, making forts out of couch cushions, eating s'mores.  Now, I walk past all the cookie-cutter tract homes and just feel....resentment.  ::sigh:: I guess bitterness is the price of experience...probably a bad attitude.  Some doctors just published a study about how bitterness fucks up your life in more ways than one.  I haven't read it, but I'm sure it's legit.  I'm on a tangent, so I'll stop now.  Just because I love the original so much, you can watch it after the jump.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bush announces Tour

Now that Bush has reunited once more, they are kicking off a tour starting tomorrow!  This coincides with a new album release -- The Sea of Memories -- set to come out on September 13th, 2011.  The band has been recently putting themselves out there for television and public appearances, which will continue throughout the tour (most notably, an appearance on "Chelsea Lately," which is my favorite late night talk show that isn't political in nature--you guessed it....I get my news from The Daily Show).  Most dates cite Chevelle and Filter as opening acts.  The American tour starts tomorrow, August 17th, in Austin, TX and ends October 28th in San Antonio, followed by several European dates.  I am sad to report that, as of today, no concerts are planned for AZ.  Thus is my life.  Check out the rest of the dates here.

Memorial for Stage Collapse Victims

It was a terrifying day for country music fans in Indianapolis who were present when the stage collapsed during a Sugarland concert.  Although the band, who was playing at the time, weren't injured, 5 fatalities have been reported, among which were fans and stagehands.  The incident was caused by unforseen extreme weather-- 70 mph winds which were not expected at all during the Indiana State Fair.  Sugarland will perform a private concert in memorial for the victims and the proceeds from a concert already planned for the Indiana State Fair -- a double headliner with Maroon 5 and Train -- will be donated for a fund created for the those affected by the incident. 
AP/The Indianapolis Star/ Matt Kryger

Song Du Jour

Eyes Like Yours
by Shakira

This song is off Shakira's first crossover album, Laundry Service, and is my one of my favorites.  For those of you who didn't know, Shakira comes from a medley of different ethnicities -- Spanish, various Middle Eastern countries, and Italian -- which she tries to blend into her music.  This song is heavily influenced by her Middle Eastern background (there is even a moment when she sings in least, I think it's Arabic) and gives the artist plenty of time to showcase her belly dancing talent.  I like it because there is something very primal about the music and I have often considered one of the best songs for which to form a heathen dancing circle around a bonfire.  It's dramatically different from what she has been releasing lately as singles.  It's probably one of her lesser known songs here in America, and in my opinion, the Spanish version ("Ojos Asi") is better because something gets lost in translation.  

Monday, August 15, 2011

Song du Jour

I Can't Get Away
By Stardeath and White Dwarfs

I got this song from a Nylon playlist a few years back....the same Nylon playlist, in fact, that led me to Of Montreal.  When I hear this song, I image a garage band playing in a seedy pub in the bad part of town.....3000 years in the future!  You know that scene in Star Wars where Obi Wan and Luke go in to find Han Solo, and that band was playing that crazy song.  This sounds NOTHING like that....come to think of it, that bar didn't look too shady in my opinion, either.  Too much light.  I like to need nightvision goggles when I'm going to a place I shouldn't be.   Sets the mood better.  This song has a very raw feel (hence garage band) but it also incorporates synth elements, which gives it a rather unique sound.  Anyway, I'm pretty sure this song is about a prostitute....or a really flirtatious girl.  Take your pick.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Review: The Irrepressibles

Mirror, Mirror
By The Irrepressibles

Impression:  I wanted to find something new and different to review for today....and I found it and, as hoped, it is a gem.  The Irrepressibles isn't the kind of sound people are used to.  The short story is that it's far more theatrical and dramatic.  The even shorter story is that it's awesome and, true to form, I loved every minute.  Jamie McDermott, who serves as the composer and vocalist, is a performance artist from London, and if you see pictures of him on the Internet, he is no stranger to flashy make-up and costumes.  What truly makes him unique as an artist, though, is his gorgeous tenor voice that has a range few females can achieve --reaching death-defying falsetto heights before plummeting to deep melancholic reverie-- and a vibrato that seriously makes me jealous (I've always had a pretty straight vocal sound).  It's a voice that emotes character -- even if that character is a younger, more sensitive version of Snidely Whiplash.  Indeed, the whole album sounds as if it could be sung from the point of view of a villain in a storybook--or at least that's my impression-- and it's an interesting perspective.  Don't let the comic books fool you, a hero is always a hero but a villain is a unique entity unto himself.  There is always a tragic backstory behind why those hot messes became bitter criminal masterminds--Oh, how soon we forget the sad conclusion of "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog." 
The vocals and the concept are supported by a magnificent ten-piece orchestra which fills in the spaces with enchanting violins, airy flutes, and fantastic guitar music played by none other than the composer himself.  This is an incredible first album and, even if you don't fully understand the music, reserve your judgement and preconceived notions until after you've listened to it one time through.

Songs to Check Out:  This has gone to the top of My List but I get that not everyone is open to new experiences so wet your feet with .... "In Your Eyes," "Nuclear Skies," and my personal favorite, "The Tide."  Otherwise, their first single is "In This Shirt." 

Sounds Like:  Experimental Glam Rock from a fairytale cabaret

Buy it here:  Amazon and Itunes

Song Du Jour

Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
By The Smiths

Ah, The Smiths.  If you don't love them, you're a fool.  I thought, considering the political, economic, and emotional climates of recent months, that this song was fairly appropriate.  It also reflects a little bit of how I've been feeling -- a sort of doleful dwindling of hope that is severely impairing my naturally idealistic instincts.  Especially with the job prospects -- the career I was on a path for is currently on hold.  As a federal job, the outlook of it even being there in a few months is relatively slim -- there has been massive cuts (and more to follow for the Defense Department if the SuperCommittee doesn't get its shit together) and there is a hiring freeze.  So, I'm presenting this musical offering up to the Universe in exchange for a brighter future than the one projected by MSNBC and CNN.  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Music + Cancer = Less Pain

Music therapy, a variation on Art therapy, has long been heralded as a beneficial supplement to cancer treatment.  A recent study lead by researchers at Philadelphia's Drexel University now confirms the hype -- patients who participate in music therapy have reduced levels of anxiety and pain.  The link, researchers say, is most likely connected with music's effects on a patient's mood level which in turn moderates other biological functions like heart rate and blood pressure.  From a psychological research point of view, I've checked out the stats and demographics on this study and with over a thousand patients participating, I agree that a statistically significant finding is indeed worth researching more.  Honestly, I think this is probably a "No shit, Sherlock" moment but people do tend to put more emphasis and effort into a healthful practice if the science backs it up.  So, along with your 3+ cups of green tea a day, hedge your bets with some Mozart or Coldplay -- although the study didn't specify, I'm sure either would suffice.  Read more at CBC news or if you have access to a scientific journal database, the study was published in the August issue of Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

The Salle-de-Bain Cabaret

I'm trying to make this blog a little more personal -- not all news stories and song recommendations -- and the way I plan to do that is to let you in on my uber-fascinating life with information like ::BA BA BA!!!:: I love to sing.  I sang in some choir or another since I was 9 up until I left high school.  Oh yes, I was a Gleek before Gleek was even a word (I haven't watched the show, but Leah Michelle or whatever her name is annoys the hell out of me....almost as much as Kyra Sedgewick).  I even achieved a letter--like for a letterman jacket -- and was awarded Outstanding Alto as well as being chosen to sing in the Regional Choir.  I was hardcore into it -- I did musicals (although I was usually cast for my acting ability rather than my singing -- El Paso had some really fierce singers when I was in high school) and competed in Solo & Ensemble and all that jazz.  For a long time, my life revolved around Theatre and Choir to the point where I spent 12-14 hours out of the day at school--in fact, the only reason I got straight As was so that I could remain eligible (I'm one of those people who had to exert practically no effort to get good grades....I know....don't hate me because I'm smart.)  That's just how I roll.

Anyway, I still sing, although mostly it's in the shower (You know what they say...some people sing in the shower, the rest...take care of business).  Sometimes I sing while I run, but I don't recommend it--Proper breathing to sing conflicts with the need to continue breathing while running.  For Today, I've prepared for you a list of my favorite songs to belt out while I'm sudsing up.  In high school, I was classified as an Alto 1, which is considered Mezzo-soprano in Opera-speak, so the songs will reflect that. 
  • Criminal by Fiona Apple -- Fiona Apple is my go-to songstress whenever I have a life-crisis, which is about every year in October for some reason.  Seriously -- my first year of college, I chopped off my hair to chin-length and made it a point to damp out a match with my tongue like she does at the end of the "Fast as you can" video.  I love her deep voice and I actually sing this song pretty well at kaoroke.

  • Defying Gravity from Wicked - Wicked is one of my favorite musicals and one of the top 5 I would like to star in if I ever had the chance.  I recently saw it in Tucson, but the enjoyment was a little ruined by the news that my congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, was shot, along with the 6 other fatalities.  This song is wonderful and another one of those songs that pumps me up and makes me forget how uneventful my life has become.

Song Du Jour

Stuck in my ID
by Reptar

Today was one of those rare occasions when I actually woke up with the Song 'O' the Day stuck in my head.  Yes, it's one of those sticky songs but, trust me, it's good.  I just want to dance when I hear it.  And not respectable dancing, either!  More like really awesomely bad dancing -- I'd start with that move where you alternate your hands reaching up to the ceiling (don't know if it has a name); then I'd break it down with The Twist coupled with some Spirit Fingers; and then I'd follow that up with a full minute of The Running Man, which, by the way, is excellent aerobic exercise.  What can I say?  My sense of dignity is severely warped.  As I said before, Reptar does remind me vaguely of Passion Pit -- not so much in the vocals as in the background synths.  I got this track off Spinner and I want to say I saw it on RCRD LBL but I'd probably be lying.  Oh, and before you ask -- I have no idea if they got the name from "The Rugrats".....but I don't know of any other Reptars, so I believe it's statistically probable that they did.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Music Video Nerdery

If you didn't know, Topless Robot is just about my favorite blog (besides my own).  The tag line is "Nerd News, humor, and self-loathing" and boy, does it deliver just that.  It's always good for a chuckle -- especially on Fan Fiction Fridays (Warning:: FFF WILL jade you) -- and I always find something fun to share.  Like this list of the top 10 Nerd Icons in Music Videos.  Although it's not on the list, Leonard Nimoy's appearance in the alternative video for Bruno Mars' "The Lazy Song" also deserves mad props, if only for the sheer genius of watching Spock buy a half-gallon of milk and porn in a bathrobe.  Check out the list at Topless Robot and you can watch the aforementioned music video below.  It's totally okay if you want to watch it on mute...I understand.

Review: Razika

Program 91
by Razika
Impression:  Razika is a girl-group from Norway.  What drove me to listen to this album was the chipper sound of the opening track, "Youth."  I love ska already, but Razika has a lighter sound that reminds me of California -- not the beaches, but the skateparks.  The vocals are beautiful and they remind me a little of the British girl-group The Like, except that the singers have that delightful Northern European lilt -- sort of like Nena (who is from Germany--not quite Northern European but the accent is similar.)  Half the songs were in Norwegian, so they could be singing about blowing random guys behind the Walgreen's and I'd still be bobbing my head along with the music.  Lyrics-wise, the English ones were a little repetitive but I'm chalking that up to the message being lost in translation.  Occasionally, the sound reminds me a little of 1960s girl groups (like "Why Have We to Wait")and I don't think Razika would feel out of place in mini-dresses and go-go long as they could play they're instruments, of course.  Definitely worth a listen.

Songs I Enjoyed:  I'm loving the summer-y feel of "Above all,"  the beach carnival vibe of "Nytt Pa Nytt," and the acoustic sweetness of "Walk in the Park."

Sounds Like:  Neo ska mixed with girl-driven indie rock

Buy it at:  Amazon

Song du Jour

Guilt by Association
by Louis XIV

Another band I just found that I'm seriously digging right now.  Louis XIV (or Quatorze, which is easier than saying the roman numerals) has been around spouting off indie rock since 2003.  On this track, the vocals sound a lot like the White Stripes (in my opinion) but, as a whole, they sound similar to Hot Hot Heat, The Bravery, and even The Strokes at times.  I tried to find the official video through blogger--because it's awesome--but I couldn't find it in the linkage.  Basically, all the music parts where the band is playing to the camera look like they were filmed in like a super-huge tile shower and the party scenes were partly filmed in night vision so it looks really creepy.  I thought that was pretty unique and suggest you check it out on the actual youtube site.  Either way though, the song is awesome.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

London's Burning

As much as I love the iconic Clash song, the situation in the U.K. is heartbreaking.  Historical buildings are being burned down, people's homes and cars are being destroyed, and hundreds upon thousands of dollars worth of goods have been looted or damaged.  Among the carnage is U.K. largest stockpile of independent music -- a warehouse in North London owned by Sony DADC.  The Sony spokesperson has said that although the number of albums destroyed is currently unknown (estimated at possibly 750,000), the smallest record labels will be hit the hardest because, for many, it was the only location where their archives were located.  Newer albums will be easy to reprint but for older stuff, it's likely that, if damaged, it's gone for good.  This is only one of the multitude of devastating images coming from London at this time.  You can read more at NPR
Leon Neal/APF/Getty Images

Song du Jour

Coin-Operated Boy
by The Dresden Dolls

Let's do something a little different today....Here we have The Dresden Dolls, one of my favorite bands.  They have what would be considered a dark cabaret style.  They are a hiatus,starting in 2008 (during which Amanda Palmer has been working/mentoring? with other dark cabaret groups, like Evelyn Evelyn) but they got back together briefly in 2010 to do a short reunion tour.  They aren't done forever, says Brian Viglione, but they'll return to work when it "feels right."  This song is off their 2001 album Dresden Dolls.  Great, poignant lyrics--favorite line:  Coin-Operated boy/ with a pretty coin-operated voice/saying that he loves me/and that he's thinking of me/straight and to the point/that is why I want a coin-operated boy.

I went on a search spree on last night, inspired by Rouge Fonce, the dark cabaret band I found last week.  Be prepared for a heavy dose of darkwave/dark cabaret/steampunk in the upcoming Weekly Haul.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Newsflash: Kanye West is still a dumb*ss

I often wonder why his publicists let him speak at all and then I realize....the stupid things Kanye West says and does are some of the greatest PR flubs of all time.  What would America -- specifically the E! Network -- do without them?!?  It would be madness!  Don't get me wrong -- I think Kanye is probably one of the best rappers out there....but that doesn't mean he has his sh*t together.

Over the weekend, Mr. West gave a speech at The Big Chill Music Fest across the pond.  For whatever reason, he said something to the effect that he felt he was like Hitler sometimes.  Pardon me, sir, but What the fuck?!  Out of all the misunderstood people in history (which I don't consider Hitler to be one...I think we understood him pretty well during his reign of terror), why would you choose one of the most evil people in recent history?  Nevermind that I don't see the comparison -- first of all, Kanye, you're black, which was a no-no in Hitler's book, if you didn't realize that.  Second, Hitler was charismatic and intelligent enough to get a whole f*cking country to follow him just by speaking.  Kanye opens his mouth and people are like " it comes..."  And third, Hitler failed at his attempt to become a world-famous artist, which in part, contributed to the anger that fueled his deranged masterplan.  But, whatever my friend....if comparing yourself to The Fuhrer get you airtime, more power to you. 
The video is f*cking hilarious.  If you haven't checked out other Nerd Hitler videos (all of which use this scene), you need to...Funniest.  Hour.  Of.  Your.  Life.

Song du Jour

Rich Girls
by The Virgins

Since the stock market is in the toilet after the S&P downgrade of the US Credit rating, let's start today off with something a bit more cheerful than reality permits.  This track has bouncy, disco-esque beat that you can't help but dance.  I first heard it while shopping in Express and, as is my custom, I wrote down the lyrics so I could add it to my list.  Sadly, it's about the only track the Virgins are known for -- they only have one full album thus far.  Anyway, the lyrics are fantastically tongue-in-cheek--We walk around pretending we're all grown up/ Hey Rich Girls/ Can you tell me why you're so stuck up? -- it gets me every time.  The bridge is kind of random but hey, no one ever listened to disco for the f*cking lyrics.  Great song to strut down the street while wearing uber-tight pants and a satin button-down.  Not that I do that on a regular's more like an occasional weekend thing.  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weekly Haul: August 7th Edition

Crosses EP
Pardon my french but.....F*****ck!!!  This week is an excellent haul!  Check this....I caught a holy grail of free downloads -- a full EP that just happens to be f*cking awesome.  Okay....perhaps holy grail is an overstatement but, believe me when I say that it's great and --Lucky You --it's still available for free download (Calm down, fellow music sluts....I'll reveal my source during the haul).  You'll notice a few repeats this week and this is because I'm trying out a new tactic.  The Boyfriend has this rule that if he likes three songs by an artist, he officially is a fan.  I'm not saying it's a good rule, but it does have some merit.  So, when it's possible, I'm trying to download at least two songs by an artist to get a feel for their sound and see if it warrants more of my attention.  Today is going to be a sizeable list because I'm just going to list all the songs I downloaded this week (only 15 -- 5 of which from the EP, which will be unceremoniously lumped together because I'm lazy).  Thanks and I hope you all find something you like!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Smiths are kind of like the Justice League, I guess...

Someone ( and by someone, I mean Shawn Demumbrum) is turning songs by The Smiths into a comic strip.  I don't know what we're in for but my answer is this:  Fuck Yeah.  For those of you who don't know, The Smiths "Frankly Mr. Shankly" is among my most favorite songs ever, if not at the top of the list -- because the list is constantly changing, but it is top three most days.  Just to be clear, I am not sure exactly why Mr. Demumbrum wants to create this strip, what the stories will be about, or if he even has the means to create such awesomeness.   But it's worth a try.

More info at Spinner.

Image by Justin Thomas-Empics/PA

Song Du Jour

Ride on a White Horse
By Goldfrapp

For those of you who haven't heard, Goldfrapp has been around since the late 90s and is currently working on a 6th studio album.  "Ride on a White Horse" is the 3rd single of the album Supernature, and, as you may notice, has a neo-disco vibe.  I thought it would be a nice change from the 80s hair band, Dare, that I featured yesterday.  Goldfrapp has been a consistent perveyor of electro synthpop awesomeness, so if you like bands like Little Boots and have a soft spot for glam rock, this is for you.  Other songs of note off this album include "Ooh la la" which was featured recently in the Will Ferrell comedy "The Other Guys," and my personal favorite, "Satin Chic," which combines cabaret elements with the ambient electronica for which the band is known.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Review: The Ettes

Wicked Will
by The Ettes

Impression:  The Ettes are a Nashville-based band that has been around since about 2004 and has gotten much more recognition overseas than here in the States.  Wicked Will is their fourth studio album.  The Ettes are considered "as good as modern-day garage rock gets" and I am inclined to agree.  The lyrics are pointed -- sweet and short -- in fact, almost too short because the whole album (which has 12 songs on it) took me only about 30-minutes to listen to....probably less.  I was definitely wanting more.  As far as sound goes, a likely comparison could be made to the girl-driven groups of the early 90s and possibly all the way back to the days when The Runaways ruled the airwaves-- a quality that was a welcome addition to the Whip It soundtrack.  Coco Hames' voice is incredibly sweet in contrast to the dark backdrop of the music, recalling the days of 60s songstresses like Leslie Gore and Nancy Sinatra (old favorites in my book).   Overall, I liked it and recommend you give it a listen over at Spinner.

If I had money, I would buy:  I really would like to buy the whole's been short-listed, as a result.  Usually, I would list a bunch of songs I like and would buy but the number in this case makes it impractical to buy every song separately.  I think you should check out "One by One," "Teeth", and "The Worst There Is" if you want to guage their sound before considering a purchase.

Sounds Like:  Fuzzbox-driven indie rock with the occasional Southern twang

Where You can buy it:  Amazon and iTunes

Check out more:  The Ettes website