Saturday, November 2, 2019

November Theme: "Visualizations"

For November, because I think I'm so fucking hilarious, I've decided to go over my thoughts on music videos some popular songs. As I've said before, music is often part of an artist's shadow work and healing. Never is this more clear than when they set their songs to a visual interpretation. I love music videos. I'm one of those weirdos who was up at 3am watching VH1's "Pop Up Video," because I enjoyed reading the little blurbs and tidbits about the song meanings and what was happening in society at the time the video was created. I have an addiction to soaking up knowledge, no matter how mundane and trivial it seems to other people. It all feels magical to me. Not that anyone cares, but I am three beers in. Also, side note, Fireball whiskey tastes surprisingly good when mixed with eggnog. I fucking love Yule.

As much as I love her, I'm going to limit myself to one Taylor Swift song this month. I will make no such promise for December, because that is Sagittarius season and you can't limit those motherfuckers. It's one of my favorite thing about Sagittarius placements. But Taylor Swift is a genuine genius when it comes to music videos. She's one of those rare artists who has both the vision and the sound that translates into something real in the world that she evolved in. It's been close to 15 years since she became a household name. Believe me - that doesn't happen unless a person has something special about them. Call it what you want. Talent. Vision. Soul. It's rare. And most people never get a chance to experience it up close, let alone within themselves. And I'm ranting about Taylor Swift again, which I'm aware is super lame. She's also fairly consistent with creating videos about how she made the music videos - from the concept to the editing - which I appreciate. I love learning about people's processes. I'm sure that's annoying. I always ask questions that are a little bit too penetrating, but that's because my own process is a little bit mysterious, even to myself. I hear songs and I can see a story. And it's not even a whole story. Sometimes, it's just a scene, just a frame. And sometimes, I feel like I can't do the story justice. Some days, I can type for hours and it's beautiful. Other days, it feels like I have to tear open a vein just to get out a sentence. Even now, I can understand why Hemingway and Stoker and Poe drank so much - all the words I've been keeping locked up in the recesses of my mind are just flowing out, like so much blood. And right now - it sounds good. It sounds beautiful. Even if I read it tomorrow and it's full of typos and nonsense, right now, it sounds like exactly what I want to say. But I'm still inhibited - as much as I share on here, it's really only about 5% of the thoughts in my head. The deepest, darkest parts of myself are still very much secret, only to be revealed to those most worthy. So, even though I have a lot more to rant about, I'm going to take my ranting offline. Maybe work on a project I've been holding onto for 6+ months, because there's no use holding onto it any more.

Needless to say, this month should be fun. I've been waiting to share a lot of these thoughts for a while now and finally, I have an opportunity. Happy Mercury Retrograde - it's going to be fucking wilde!

Image result for more freddie, less retrograde

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