Monday, February 25, 2019

"Crazy for This Girl" by Evan and Jaron

I hadn't heard this song since - literally - it came out (which was in 2000....I looked it up). But, for some reason, YouTube thought I should listen to it. It's been doing that a lot lately - coming up with songs that I should listen to, because they'll cheer me up or do some hard thinking. As such, I've had to do some rearranging for these last couple of days. I'm kind of exhausted, so this will be a fairly short post. Mostly because the most interesting thought I've had in the last 10 minutes was, "How do you make chai tea? I could totally make my own chai tea." You can imagine my chagrin when I looked at the ingredients list on the tea bag canister and the only things it listed were white tea and something called "cinnamon spice." What the fuck is cinnamon spice?! Obviously, cinnamon is involved, but I'm pretty sure legit chai tea has fancier ingredients - like nutmeg and star anise. Just another thing I'll have to google in my free time.

I wanted something cheerful for today, just because. I seem to be out of my feelings again and have reached some sort of equilibrium. I've been working on being present, which this song embodies. The verses are basically the guy in this equation talking about his current thoughts about the girl he's "crazy" for. Most of the song is in present tense - she rolls the windows down, she talks, she's got me thinking about her. Everything is about "right now." Which is how it usually is when we're in love with someone. What's he thinking right now? What's she doing right now? This presence has a tendency to make it seem like time slows down, so it feels like you get to be with the other person longer than seems real. It can also make it seem like time speeds up when you're engrossed in what you're doing, and it feels like you've spent hardly any time with the object of your affection. And that's how relativity works. You lose track of time because you're not really paying attention to it. And, contrariwise, time slows down because you're too aware of it. I find remembering this principle while I'm meditating or doing something tedious can be helpful. When you "forget" time - by focusing on something you want to be focused on, and not on the minutes ticking by - it doesn't seem like you're waiting. Like you're stuck in suspended animation, just wanting to move forward.

She was the one to hold me
The night
The sky fell down
And what was I thinking when
The world didn't end
Why didn't I know what I know now

I don't know the total situation behind this song but just based on the lyrics - "but she don't know how I feel" - it sounds like the guy has a crush on his friend. But that's just the chorus, which confuses the second verse. Obviously, if she doesn't know how he feels, it's unlikely she was actually holding him. So, I'm thinking he's talking about some philosophical night that the sky fell down, eons ago, when they were together at the beginning of time. Don't get me wrong - some girls like that stuff. Mostly water signs. But, as a good friend once put it, "I like your enthusiasm, but y'all ain't even chartered yet." She was talking about establishing an organization at our university, but the logic still applies. First step - tell her you like her. See if she feels the same. And then start planning your hypothetical future together. Because otherwise, you stay in the friend zone and then she ends up with a Chad and you'll be writing mopey songs like The Moffatts. Simple fact. Do with it what you wish.

"Crazy for This Girl" Video

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