Thursday, February 28, 2019

"Twin Flames" by In This Moment

I'm shoehorning in one last song for February. I missed a lot of my favorite songs for this theme, mostly because of so many last minute changes, but February will be around again. Everything goes in cycles. I feel like I had to include this one last song, though, because it's Pisces season and the Universe likes to talk through music during this time. At least, for me, it has been lately. I couldn't sleep last Saturday and, as I am wont to do when I'm alone with my thoughts, I found myself asking for a sign. I decided to open YouTube to watch a couple videos - a good episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved usually does the trick when I can't sleep. I was scrolling through my recommendations and the first music video that popped up was a song by In This Moment I had never heard before. It's from their latest album, "Ritual," which I'm liking more and more as I listen to the songs that are on it. But this one was something else.

We were on fire
A frequency of me and you
We were on fire
One flame bursting into two
We were on fire
We watched the whole world burn away
We were on fire
I was you and baby you were me
You crawled into these flames with me

I love this song and it's been stuck in my head for days. It's kind of haunting, in that way. It moves between sultry and quiet, to immensely powerful. One of my favorite phrases is "trial by fire" or "baptism by fire." These terms both refer to a fiery trial of faith which endures suffering and purifies the faithful who look upon God's glory and are transformed, not consumed. You go through immense hardship - literally walk through Hell - but come out the other side better than you were before. Because fire cleanses everything. It incinerates anything that shouldn't be there, any weakness, and only leaves what is pure and beautiful. It only leaves the Light. After wildfires, the weaker plants are disintegrated into nutrients and the stronger trees are left healthier in the years afterward. The Phoenix bursts into flames and then rises from the ashes, just as - if not more - glorious than before. Even Jesus had to endure Hell before resurrection. And, as Marie Kondo (who I just learned is a former Shinto priestess, which makes me love her even more) has been trying to teach America, you have to listen to your heart and understand what sparks joy. This means you have to accept a little chaos before things get better. Which is scary. Incredibly scary. Because even a spark has the potential to incinerate everything.

As you might've guessed, I'm in full-on "Jesus take the wheel" mode currently. I'll get through it, somehow, though. I always do.

"Twin Flames" Video

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