Monday, August 29, 2011

Song du Jour: Rilo Kiley Day!

Science vs. Romance
by Rilo Kiley
Rilo Kiley is one of my top favorite bands so you can imagine how bummed I was when they split in 2009.  But, as a concession to their fans, they released a vinyl version of Takeoffs and Landings earlier this year.  Is that like a given for indie bands?  "Sorry, there is no way in hell we're going to get together again to produce new material but your consolation prize is a vinyl version of our old sh*t."  I call "cop-out!"  It's a great album, though, and I do want the vinyl version....because I'm an uber geek about my respective fandoms.  I have boxes full of Sailor Moon crap from when I was 9, which includes things like an alarm clock with the most annoying song-to-wake-up-to ever, a Sailor Moon RPG guide, and a few of those gauzy anime posters --I shit you not.  Back to the Rilo Kiley -- this song was stuck in my head this morning.  More confusing dreams involving people I should not think about anymore.  "Science vs. Romance" was Rilo Kiley's debut single, and it has fantastic lyrics laden with metaphors and whatnot and serves as a low-key indie rock ballad.  The first lines are great -- they describe rather accurately the disillusionment I feel on a daily basis.
Jenny:  WTF are we doing here again?
Blake:  I....have no idea...

My Life in a Nutshell for Today:  The Boyfriend was getting on my case about creating the Zombie Apocalypse Drill website (even though he hasn't e-mailed me any information about what he wants on there) so making a start on that is today's project.  Also -- I forgot how truly impotable unfiltered Arizona tap water was....I'm dying of thirst....Please, somebody save me.  Video after you click-clickety-click the jump.

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